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Fix QuickBooks freezing error instantly

Fix QuickBooks freezing error instantly

Even though QuickBooks accounting software is great for businesses, it sometimes triggers issues that interfere while doing meaningful work. For example, while users are operating QuickBooks software, there are times when the user’s screen freezes up or encounters errors and stops taking any commands. It is a serious issue, and the issue triggers while launching the QuickBooks desktop; it displays an error on their screen with a message saying not opening, not responding, or the QuickBooks software has stopped.

Are you stuck on the same error? This article will discuss everything related to the freezing error of QuickBooks, its causes, and methods to resolve it.

Reason for Freezing Error in QuickBooks

Some of the reasons behind triggering QuickBooks freezing up the issue are as follows:

  • The name of the organization is too long
  • The hard drive of the system is corrupted
  • The file “INI” is missing, corrupt, or damaged
  • QuickBooks desktop or program file is damaged
  • The operating system of users, windows, is outdated
  • Error in the installation
  • A few of the files of software are damaged

Few Symptoms Of The QuickBooks Freezing Error

There are some pre-symptoms that QuickBooks show at the early stage of error. Some of them are:

  • The user’s system slows down after freezing for some seconds.
  • The QuickBooks software becomes slow along with the system’s mouse or keyboard response.
  • Facing hardship in performing any operation on the software

How to Resolve the Freezing Error of QuickBooks

Solution 1: Launch the Install diagnostic tool of QuickBooks from Tool Hub

Solution 2: Remove the Browser’s Cache

Solution 3: To fix the Data Damage issue, Open rebuild or verify the data utility

Solution 4: Modify the “DDF and DAT files.”

Solution 5: Refresher Tool of QuickBooks

Solution 6: Close down the QBW32.Exe software

Solution 7: Remove the Desktop of QuickBooks



Sometimes, it is too frustrating when the computer freezes or hangs while performing some important tasks. Moreover, an organization’s critical data can also be corrupted due to these issues. The article has covered almost all the possible steps to fix QuickBooks Freezing Error. However, if a user still faces the same Error, it is suggested to contact the QuickBooks error support team 1-800-615-2347.

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