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Flutter or PWA: Which will create a bright future for cross platform App Development

Gorge Holow
Flutter or PWA: Which will create a bright future for cross platform App Development

For small business owners, creating apps for the iOS and Android platforms required twice as much money in development expenditures. Making two apps from the same codebase is now more common among developers thanks to the emergence of cross-platform development alternatives. Flutter app development services and PWA, are working incredibly well to aid with this. Although they do differ in a few ways, still both cross-platform app development environments are helpful in the creation of mobile apps that give the same user interface across all OS. The question now is, who will rule as a Flutter app development or progressive web app development company in the future?

What distinguishes PWA from Flutter?

Data and connectivity

The Progressive Web Apps include offline functionality. Unlike traditional apps or the web, it enables users to browse the app even when the network connection is weak or nonexistent. It consumes fewer data to load pages because it takes up less space. Getting work done now while using less bandwidth and without installing a ton of data-hogging programs is what most internet users are truly seeking!

Feature support

Support for device features, such as the camera, Bluetooth, and GPS, is not available for PWAs, particularly on iOS. While Flutter apps have more comprehensive access to the hardware aspects of the device, which enables more seamless operation of complicated programs.

User interface

High conversion rates and space efficiency necessitate the compromise of a detailed user experience. This is the key justification for PWAs being light and quick. Flutter features pixel-perfect UX, which can significantly improve the engagement of the in-app experience.

Developmental determinants

In comparison to Flutter apps, PWAs take less time to develop because there are more chances for code reuse. The reusability of the code is hampered by the use of third-party packages in Flutter.

The aspect of a search engine

PWA functionality support varies depending on the individual search engines. The Safari search engine is now the least reliable. For PWAs to function, iOS is still working to support more functionalities. 

Features that make flutter app development services the future of cross-platform app development

  • Quick development process
  • Flawless realtime integration
  • A majority of open-source packages
  • Single code base
  • Customized Widgets
  • Top Option for MVP

Features that make PWA the future of cross-platform app development

  • Quick page loading
  • Ample storage space
  • No installation essential
  • Gorgeous user experience
  • Strong safety assets


Both technologies have a promising future in the creation of cross-platform mobile applications for each niche and sized business. The decision between PWA and Flutter ultimately depends on your business needs. You can seek the advice of a reliable cross-platform mobile application development company to resolve your concerns and start with your business idea. For your upcoming business app, the top progressive web app development company Clavax Technologies is ready to help and make recommendations for the best cross-platform app development suite. To find out more, get in touch with our staff.

Gorge Holow
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