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Secure Video Sharing | Definition and Importance - iConnecFX

Secure Video Sharing | Definition and Importance - iConnecFX

It’s never a secret how many companies utilize video platforms to advertise their businesses. Dire times from the previous market decline mean companies should be flexible regarding marketing. Videos seem to be the most credible form, and unfortunately, sharing them online can also back mishaps in the long run. Therefore, secure video sharing is essential. Sharing videos online, especially if not secured, can cause a problem since they may contain critical information about the company. If it falls into the wrong hands, the image or reputation of the enterprise involved will be affected. In short, investing in checking the safest video platforms online is a must to prevent such scenarios from happening.

Why Is Secure Video Sharing Important?

Companies have sought ways to safeguard their information from unauthorized disclosure as data breaches have become more prevalent. However, unauthorized access to a training video is implausible to cause significant damage in the line of business, as several of the videos produced by the company undoubtedly contain sensitive and private information. In fact, not every video that is created by your company is meant for public consumption. If your business utilizes a video for communication, you should take precautions to ensure that those videos do not leak and end up on the Internet. 

In the process of secure video sharing, it will allow you to keep the videos private and limit access to those you specify. If there are several video content available, it is in your company’s best interest to secure these resources. By using secure video sharing, users can also store data that is accessible. It can also save you a lot of time to take full control of all your videos. This process can really help organizations that work and use remote workforce in order to handle their businesses. 

Type of Videos That Need To Be Fully Secured

One of the main roles of secure video sharing is to secure any videos produced by your company whether it contains confidential or sensitive information and that are not designed for public dispersal. When it comes to which videos an organization will need to securely share, there is not yet another solution. Even so, several videos are more likely than others to contain sensitive content. Here are a few video types that businesses should think about securing:

  • Onboarding videos
  • Employee training videos
  • Recordings of Internal Zoom meetings
  • Continuing Education videos 
  • Client Videos

Secure Video Sharing on Cloud Storage

If you are looking for a secure video-sharing platform, several are already within your reach, like Google Drive or any other cloud drives you own. The great thing about them is you can control the accessibility of the files whenever you share them with people. That way, the video is viewable but not downloadable. Meaning they cannot make a copy of that file unless you change their accessibility.

It may seem a great deal to use; however, there are still downsides. One of them is the available storage. As you know, the standard storage available on Google Drive is only 15GB. Yes, it is enough storage, but considering you have a company, of course, there will be tons of files aside from the videos themselves.

Secure Video Sharing on YouTube

Meanwhile, one of the top video-sharing platforms is YouTube. As many of you know, it is an area where people can freely upload their video content anytime. That’s why many businesses also utilize it to show details about their products. Since the videos are accessible to all, people can download them, which can breach your company’s security in the future.

Although, the good thing is YouTube has a specific setup where you can prevent others from seeing the videos publicly. It can happen by unlisting the selected videos uploaded. By doing so, you can prevent other people from accessing the video but letting only the selected ones have access to them. Unfortunately, by giving access to some people, you cannot prevent them from downloading a copy of the video.

Secure Video Sharing in iConnectFX

On the other hand, you can also use iConnectFX as one of your choices for secure video sharing. This platform is used by many users when it comes to gatherings of webinars. Through the use of this video platform, live e-learning is achieved, which other platforms can’t do.

iConnectFX is a one-stop platform where you can upload videos or conduct a meeting for selected users only. In short, it will be safe to share critical information. Plus, like the other 2 platforms mentioned above, there’s no paid subscription needed to start using iConnectFX. If you want to know more about their security policies, feel free to check their FAQs.

Wrapping Up

A security breach is a topic that should be taken seriously no matter how small or big your company is. Knowing your best options when uploading videos will help you figure out your next steps in the future. So, select the best secure video sharing platform that suits and offers what you need. Then, you can ensure that your business will thrive even more.

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