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How Do We Fix Kindle Paperwhite Won't Connect to Wi-Fi?

Steve Smith
How Do We Fix Kindle Paperwhite Won't Connect to Wi-Fi?

People are giving preference to reading e-books. They also buy leading e-reader devices to read books and other content. The Kindle Paperwhite is becoming prominent in a short time because it quickly adds to Wi-Fi or cellular connectivity. Most of the time it works perfectly, but sometimes the Kindle Paperwhite won’t connect to Wi-Fi. We need to know its reasons, so we can quickly fix them. 

There are various reasons why the Kindle Paperwhite is not connecting to WiFi.

  • We can turn on the Airplane mode
  • There are software or data conflicts
  • Internet problems in our network.
  • We are using outdated software 

It is also vital for users to fix the Kindle Paperwhite won’t connect to Wi-Fi.

Methods to Fix Kindle Paperwhite Won't Connect to Wi-Fi

There is a need to fix the issue quickly. Users must know effective ways to fix existing concerns. Here we discuss the different methods that help fix the issue.

Turn off Airplane Mode

When we use Kindle devices, we can use various tricks to increase their battery life. Sometimes we turn on airplane mode so that our battery life is increased, and we can complete the book properly. After using them, we forget to turn off their airplane mode, and it shows the Kindle is not connecting to Wi-Fi. There is a need to go to the Quick menu. Here we see the plane icon. Go to settings > wireless > airplane mode. It is vital to turn it off so that existing errors can be easily solved. 

Restart Kindle Device

When we turn off airplane mode and the Kindle still won’t connect to Wi-Fi, we need to restart our Kindle device. We can shut down any non-responsive software that is having trouble connecting to the internet. We need to restart the Kindle device. It is a straightforward process to restart the device. We can search for its power button. Now we have to press and hold the power button for a few seconds. After this process, it starts connecting to wifi.

Manually Connect To Wi-Fi 

There is a disconnect from Wi-Fi and a reconnect to Wi-Fi, so it fixes the error. Sometimes we use the wrong password, or we don’t save the new password. It is also the reason for not fixing the problem. It is vital to go to Settings > Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Now we tap on "Delete Wi-Fi Passwords." After this, we can again connect with the correct credentials. It is also imperative to save the passwords for future work.

Restart Your Home Network or Router

There is a need to replace your router if other devices in your area are having trouble connecting to your Wi-Fi network. It becomes necessary for us to restart our home network or router so it can fix the current error.

  • There is a need to Power off your modem and wifi router.
  • Now we disconnect the power cable from the power outlet.
  • Here, we leave the device for a few minutes.
  • It is time to reconnect the power cord and turn it on.
  • There is a need to wait until LED lights stop blinking.
  • We can reconnect Kindle to check whether the error is fixed or not.

Update Kindle Firmware

Kindles need software updates if we have not used them for a while. The bugs in old software can now become problematic. We can easily update the Kindle firmware by following these steps.

  • There is a need to attach a Kindle device to your computer.
  • Here we go to the Kindle software update page.
  • Now we can search for the latest software available. It is also necessary to enter the correct model number. 
  • Click on it and download it.
  • There is a need to move the file to a Kindle device.
  • Go to the menu on Kindle and open the settings.
  • Here we choose the Update Kindle.
  • Now click on Ok to proceed with updates.

Reset Kindle

When we try all the above methods but still the Kindle won’t connect to wifi, there is a need to reset the Kindle. It is necessary to note that when we reset the Kindle; it deletes all the data stored in the Kindle device. There is a need to charge the Kindle device properly; otherwise, the reset process will fail. There is a need to go to Settings, Device Options, > Reset. It takes a few minutes to reset the Kindle device. These steps help in solving the problem that the Kindle Paperwhite is not connecting to WiFi.

Wrap Up 

Users can quickly use the above method to fix the Kindle won't connect to Wi-Fi. It is also necessary to follow all the steps adequately. Users can quickly complete all the processes and regularly use their Kindle Paperwhite device.

Steve Smith
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