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Technology Challenges in Retail Industry

CIO Talk Network
Technology Challenges in Retail Industry

Technology Challenges of Retail Industry. ✓ Learn about the unique challenges faced and corresponding strategies implemented to effectively address them.

IT Management of retail industry requires a constant balancing act between always up POS (point of sale) systems while helping back-office operations run smoothly to ensure overall consumer experience. Lets listen to Jef to learn about the unique challenges faced and corresponding strategies implemented to effectively address them.

Jef Fite is the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer with Family Christian Stores, a leading retailer in the growing Christian product market with over 320 stores in 39 states. Jef is responsible for all systems and technology at FCS, and is also responsible for the company's Internet business channel. Jef joined Family Christian Stores again in November 2000 after serving as President of iBelieve.com, a “sister” company to FCS, from its start-up in May 1999. Prior to joining FCS, Jef worked at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) for over 9 years, assisting clients in technology strategy development, business process design, software development, and project/program management activities for Family Christian Stores, Meijer, Quality Stores, Ford Motor Company, Steelcase, Caterpillar, Manville, and the United States Department of Defense.


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