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Converting Emails To PDF: Everything You Need To Know

Converting Emails To PDF: Everything You Need To Know

If you're anything like me, you probably receive many emails you need to save as PDFs. Maybe it's an invoice, a contract, or a long email thread with important information. 

There are a lot of good reasons to save emails as PDF. Whatever they may be, it's easy to do, and there are lots of different ways to do it. Here's everything you need to know about converting emails to PDFs!

What is a PDF?

For those who aren't familiar, PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It's a file format that can be opened and viewed on any computer. It preserves the document's layout, so it looks the same regardless of where it's being viewed.

For example, if you have an email written in Microsoft Word and converted to PDF, it will look exactly the same on a Mac computer as it does on a Windows computer.

Some other advantages of PDF files are the following:

  • They can be password protected for extra security
  • They can be opened and viewed on any device (including smartphones and tablets)
  • They are easily shareable via email or cloud storage

Why Convert Emails to PDF?

1. You need to save them as PDFs for legal or compliance reasons.

Did you know converting emails to PDF can be important for legal or compliance reasons? For example, many businesses require that emails be converted to PDFs before they can be stored in their systems.

The same applies to government agencies and organizations that require records of communications to be securely stored for future reference.

In fact, converting emails to PDFs is often one of the best ways to ensure that important communications are not altered or deleted in any way.

Moreover, lawyers often need to download emails as part of the litigation process, so converting multiple emails to PDFs can also be vital for that.

2. You need to preserve the formatting of the email

When converting emails to PDFs, you'll want to ensure that the formatting remains intact. This is especially true if there are images or other elements in the email that could be lost if not preserved properly.

For example, converting a newsletter or email with lots of images to PDF format will preserve all the formatting, so when it is opened on another device, it looks the same as it did when you first sent it.

3. You need to share emails without worrying about privacy issues

When you convert emails to PDFs, you can easily share them without worrying about privacy or security issues.

Unlike plain text emails, converting emails to PDFs ensures that the contents aren't visible to anyone who isn't supposed to see them. This is especially helpful if there are confidential business documents or sensitive information in the email.

4. You need a permanent record of an email thread.

Let's say you need to keep a record of an email conversation. Converting emails to PDFs is one of the best ways to preserve them in their original form so they can be easily referred back to at any time.

For example, if you have a long email thread with important details that need to be recorded and stored, converting the emails to PDFs will ensure that they are all in one document, which can then be easily printed or shared as needed.

5. You need to send emails in a different format

Sometimes, you may need to send an email in a different format. For example, you might need to submit an invoice or other document as part of a job application.

In these cases, converting emails to PDFs can be the best way to ensure that the formatting is preserved and that the document is viewed the same way on any device.

How can you convert emails to PDFs

1. Use Save Email to PDF by CloudHQ

By far, the easiest way to convert emails to PDFs is with CloudHQ's Save Email to PDF Chrome extension. It's quick and easy to use, and it will automatically save each email as a separate PDF file in your Google Drive or Dropbox account.

It can also save multiple emails as a single PDF file, which is great for keeping track of lengthy email threads. It's fully integrated with Gmail, so you don't have to worry about converting emails one at a time.

In fact, lawyers often use this extension to convert emails quickly for litigation purposes.

2. Use Acrobat Pro DC’s “Print to PDF” feature

If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro DC installed on your computer, you can also use its “Print to PDF” feature to convert emails to PDF format. How it works is you simply open the email in your web browser, then select “Print” and choose “Save as PDF.”

This is a great option if you don't want to install any additional software or add-ons. Plus, since Acrobat Pro DC is compatible with both Mac and Windows computers, you can easily convert emails to PDFs no matter what type of device you're using.

That said, compared to using Save Email to PDF, converting emails with Acrobat Pro DC can be more time-consuming.

Tips for creating effective and professional-looking PDFs from your emails

1. Include a cover page.

When converting emails to PDFs, it's a good idea to include a cover page with your name and contact information at the top of the document.

This will add a professional touch and make it easier for others to identify who sent the document. Do this if you are converting emails for a job application or if you want to be sure that your PDFs stand out from the crowd.

2. Include page numbers.

If you're going to be using the PDF to reference back to certain emails, it's a good idea to include page numbers on each page. This will make it easier for you (or someone else) to quickly find the email or section that they're looking for.

For example, if you have a lengthy PDF with multiple emails, page numbers will make it much easier to quickly locate the specific email or section you need. When using emails for legal purposes, this is especially important.

3. Use a consistent typeface and font size.

Have you ever tried to open up a PDF and noticed that the typeface was all over the place? It can be difficult to read and unprofessional-looking.

When converting emails to PDFs, use a consistent typeface (such as Times New Roman) and font size for each email. This will help the document look neat and organized, even if multiple emails are included.

4. Use high-quality fonts and images.

Regarding font size, it's important to use high-quality fonts and images when converting emails to PDFs. This will ensure that the document looks professional and can be easily read on any device or printed without issue.

5. Add annotations if necessary.

If there are specific emails or sections that you want to call attention to, you can add annotations as well. This is a great way to draw attention to important points or emphasize particular emails in the document.


Converting emails to PDFs can be a great way to store important information, send documents in different formats, or even use emails for legal purposes. With the right tools and techniques, you'll be able to quickly create effective and professional-looking PDFs from your emails.

Check out CloudHQ's Save Email to PDF extension if you want an easy and fast way to convert emails!

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