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Best Eye Hospital in India for Retina | Retina Hospital in Delhi | Bharti Eye Foundation

Best Eye Hospital in India for Retina | Retina Hospital in Delhi | Bharti Eye Foundation

Retina is a light-sensitive thin layer of tissues that lies at the back of eye and located near the optic nerves. Retina assists us in creating vision when the images that come through eye’s lens are focused on the retina then retina converts these images to electric signal and send them along the optic nerves to the brain and then this way, we are able to see the things clearly. Tears or holes formed in the retinal tissues can cause retinal detachment and severe deterioration in vision. The retinal detachment can be treated by retinal surgery.

Treatment of retinal tears by surgical ways

·        Cryotherapy

·        Laser surgery

Detached retina: - this is the condition when the thin layer o retina gets loose and it may lead to vision difficulty. There are three kinds of retinal detachment.

1.      Rhegmatogeneous

2.      Tractional

3.      Exudative

Who cannot get retinal surgery?

·        Family history of retinal detachment

·        Short sightedness

·        In case of eye injury or inflammation

·        Person undergone cataract surgery

·        Diabetic retinopathy

Symptoms of retina surgery

·        Flashes or blurred vision

·        Decreased intraocular pressure

·        Dark shadow around your eye vision can be seen moving


We hope that you are now a little bit familiar with the retina detachment. You have general information about retinal surgery and its symptoms. For more information about retinal surgery, its treatment and procedure, hit click on the link given below.

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Refractive Surgery

Cataract Surgery

Contact Lens

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