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How To Renovate Your Bathroom

How To Renovate Your Bathroom

How To Renovate Your Bathroom

For a luxurious bathroom experience, consider the different stages involved in remodeling your bathroom.

Bathrooms are not just a place where you have to go every day, they can also be luxurious spaces — private sanctuaries that rejuvenate your mind and replenish your spirit. For this reason, they demand careful attention to the design and renovation process. Browse the post to know more on how to renovate your bathroom.

If you are looking to turn your bathroom into your favorite room in the house, U and I Interiors can help.

Step 1: Planning the layout of your space

The first step in planning a bathroom is to arrange the fixtures, sanitary ware, and built-in storage. Our expert interior designers at U and I interiors will determine the exact position of the electrical switchboards, exhaust fan, and geyser.

As the concept of the bathroom is finalized, working drawings will be created to determine the exact quantity of tiles required for the complete renovation of the bathroom.

Step 2: Remodeling the old Bathroom

If you want your bathroom to be upgraded, be prepared to experience some dust and dirt. However, if you want to reuse any existing sanitary ware, sanitary fixtures, or accessories, remove them and keep them safely so that they can be re-installed later.

Step 3: Installing Plumbing Lines

Our expert interior designers at U and I Interiors will appoint a plumber to install a wall-mounted commode as per the proposed location of the toilet. If you opt for a wall-mounted commode, additional brickwork will have to be constructed behind it to accommodate the concealed flush.

Step 4: Installing electrical wiring for your home

The electrician will then install the wiring in accordance with the exact positioning of the lighting fixtures and switches on the blueprints.

Step 5: Restoring the countertop

The countertop will be shaped according to the proposed design and fixed on the wall. Countertops are produced using a variety of materials, including granite, marble, engineered quartz and solid surface materials.

Step 6: Tiling the walls and ceiling

The next step in the design process is to install the skirting and wall tiles, following the pattern set forth in the design. The floor tiles will go in next, with a slope recommended for proper drainage.

Step 7: Constructing the bathroom cabinets

The next step in bathroom remodeling is to install cabinetry below the countertop or in any other area of your bathroom.

Step 8: A fresh coat of paint on the walls

Next comes the process of painting the ceiling and walls, especially if your design does not include a floor-to-ceiling tiled surface. Satin-finish or semi-gloss finish paint is usually recommended by the expert interior designers at U and I Interiors because these paints are resistant to moisture.

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