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What are the different types of safety tools for self-defense?

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What are the different types of safety tools for self-defense?

What is a personal alarm?

A personal alarm is used as a self-defense device. When activated, it produces an extremely loud sound, creating an ear-piercing alert.


The benefits of using a personal safety alarm 

If you live alone or are walking alone outside, having a personal safety alarm enables you to catch people's attention quickly. You can get help efficiently and quickly by sounding the alarm.


Many attack alarms are worn around your neck, meaning you can easily access them. Simply pulling or pressing on the emergency points will activate the system, emitting a loud siren and flashing strobe, alerting those around you.


They Cost Less Than Other Home Security Systems

Personal safety alarms are much more cost-effective compared to many home security systems, yet they still provide the same level of security.


Therefore, a personal safety alarm is a perfect solution if you want to stay as safe as possible while at home without spending a fortune.


What is a stun gun?

A stun gun is an Electrostatic Discharge self-defense device. A stun gun for sale is handheld and is applied by touching the electrodes to an assailant. The strong electrical signal disrupts the nerves that control muscles and can cause intense pain.


Here are some tips on how to use the Stun Gun effectively:

  • If possible, push the Stun Gun on the Skin – If you can, try to push the stun gun against the attacker's skin. Aim for the hands, the neck, the face, or the arms if the person has a short sleeve shirt. Not all stun guns can penetrate clothing, so ensure the one you get can work through clothing.
  • Use the Stun Gun for Several Seconds – It will not work as soon as it hits the aggressor's skin. You need to press it on the skin for several seconds.
  • Small exception: Tough People – Some people can withstand the electrical shock and not go down. Be prepared also to use a mace or a knife to defend yourself. We advocate carrying several different defense tools to protect yourself.


Where and when can you carry a stun gun:

It would help if you carried a stun gun all the time unless you are traveling to a state or live where a stun gun is illegal. You can carry a stun gun in your purse, pocket, or key chain. It all depends on the size you get. Consider these things when looking into how you can carry it and where you are.


What is a ballistic vest?

A bulletproof vest, also known as a ballistic or bullet-resistant vest, is an item of body armor that helps absorb the impact and reduce or stop penetration to the torso from firearm-fired projectiles and fragmentation from explosions.


Levels of ballistic vest protection:

The most important aspect of body armor is its protection, yet many are unaware of what their armor can stop. Body armor is graded according to the protection it can offer, with different levels available according to the protection it provides.


How to get self-defense tools?

To get high-quality self-defense tools like personal alarms, bulletproof vests, and stun guns for sale, visit the BSA website online, as they are the most reputable and trustworthy seller.

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