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India Oxygen Concentrators Market to Grow at a robust CAGR in FY2022

Nirbhay Kulshrestha
India Oxygen Concentrators Market to Grow at a robust CAGR in FY2022

Increasing health awareness among the population is driving the growth of India Oxygen concentrators market in the forecast years.

According to TechSci Research report, “India Oxygen Concentrators Market By Type (Portable v/s Stationary), By Technology (Continuous Flow, Pulse Flow, Continuous/Pulse Flow), By Flow-rate (0-5l/min, 5-10l/min, Above 10l/min), By Source (Import v/s Domestic), By Distribution Channel (Wholesalers/Distributors/Suppliers, Online, Direct Sales), By Offering (Rental v/s New Sales), By Application (COPD, Lung Cancer, Asthma, COVID-19, Others), By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Home Care), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, FY2027F”, India oxygen concentrators market stood at USD78.89 million in FY2021 owing to the growing prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases among the population. This has in turn increased the patient pool requiring oxygen support, thereby fueling the market growth. Also, increasing air pollution especially in the metro cities such as Delhi-NCR, among others has increased the prevalence of pulmonary problems among the population. According to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, about 20 million patients suffer from asthma in the country. To cater to their requirement of the oxygen and to provide it with efficiency and on time, the demand for the oxygen concentrators is anticipated to increase in the coming years. Additionally, technological developments and new product launches by major players operating in the market is expected to create lucrative opportunities for growth in the next five years. Also, supportive government policies like Make in India and Aatmanirbhar Bharat will set up grounds for manufacturing of concentrators in India, opening new opportunities for the Indian players and the overall market as well. However, high cost of oxygen concentrators can lead to affordability constraints among the population and their switching over to other oxygen therapy equipment. This in turn is expected to hamper the market growth through FY2027.

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The India oxygen concentrators market is segmented by type, technology, flow-rate, source, distribution channel, offering, application, end user, region, and company. Based on technology, the market can be categorized into continuous flow, pulse flow and continuous/pulse flow. The continuous flow oxygen concentrators dominated the market in FY2021 with a market share of around 61.37%. This can be attributed to the fact that concentrators based on continuous flow technology can provide a continuous supply of oxygen irrespective of the fact that the patient is inhaling or exhaling. As a result of this major companies are manufacturing their concentrators based on this technology only. Based on application, the market is fragmented into COPD, Lung Cancer, Asthma, COVID-19, and others. The share of COPD increased significantly in FY2021 owing to the sudden outbreak and spread of pandemic in the country. Additionally, the surge in COVID-19 cases in the country has created a large patient pool requiring oxygen support. Moreover, Lung Cancer is also anticipated to hold a significant market share owing to the increased pollution and poor air quality of the country which has significantly increased the prevalence of the disease among the population. Based on end user the market is categorized into hospitals & clinics, ambulatory care centers and home care. Hospitals & Clinics are expected to dominate the market during the forecast period owing to the large sized oxygen tanks and need of expert monitoring for the supply of oxygen to be consistent and continuous. However, homecare is expected to experience significant growth in the next few years.

Some of the top players in the India oxygen concentrators market include Philips India Limited, BPL Medical Technologies Private Limited, Nidek Medical India Pvt Ltd., Sanrai Med India Private Limited, GCE India Pvt. Ltd., Kannu Impex (India) Pvt. Ltd., Monarch Meditech, MediKart HealthCare Systems Pvt.Ltd., Technocare Medisystems, GPC Medical Ltd., among others.

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“India oxygen concentrators market is anticipated to grow due to the rising coronavirus infected patient count in the upcoming five years. The spread of virus has recently taken a new toll of death counts that has reached to more than one million. Market players who are looking for expansion or any new players who want to enter the market, may focus over the regions and cities with the higher patient counts and on the distribution methods for the supply of the product in the otherwise lacking areas,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.

“India Oxygen Concentrators Market By Type (Portable v/s Stationary), By Technology (Continuous Flow, Pulse Flow, Continuous/Pulse Flow), By Flow-rate (0-5l/min, 5-10l/min, Above 10l/min), By Source (Import v/s Domestic), By Distribution Channel (Wholesalers/Distributors/Suppliers, Online, Direct Sales), By Offering (Rental v/s New Sales), By Application (COPD, Lung Cancer, Asthma, COVID-19, Others), By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Home Care), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, FY2027F” has evaluated the future growth potential of India oxygen concentrators market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in India oxygen concentrators market.


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