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Neurosurgeon Tampa Florida: Signs That Tells It’s Time to See a Neurologist

Total Spine & Brain
Neurosurgeon Tampa Florida: Signs That Tells It’s Time to See a Neurologist

The conditions neurosurgeons diagnose and treat are many apart from those of the brain. In fact, they treat a variety of conditions that impact all aspects of the nervous system from disorders of the head and spine injuries to chronic pain, nerve stroke, and even injuries. Let’s know some more conditions that cause you to see a neurologist!

If you or a loved one has some unexplained symptoms related to the brain or any part of the nervous system, your doctor may recommend a neurological exam with an experienced specialist. Being specialist in treating diseases of the peripheral nerves, muscles, and brain & spinal cord, a Neurosurgeon Tampa Florida diagnoses, treats, and improves the lives of patients.

Besides neurological conditions like epilepsy, multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, Parkinson's disease, and Florida Robotic Spine Surgery, Neurologists also commonly see patients for:

·        Memory loss

·        Imbalance

·        Uncontrolled headache

·        Numbness & pain

Chronic or severe headaches

If you get migraine headaches, making an appointment with a neurologist could be a wise decision, especially if the symptoms are linked with neurological deficits or tried treatments prove ineffective.


Chronic pain

When your pain is chronic, and the primary care doctor cannot help you manage it, consider a visit to a neurologist because there could be another underlying reason for the symptoms.



Experiencing vertigo (feeling like you are spinning) or having difficulty keeping your balance could be a sign of something more serious.


Numbness or tingling

Numbness or tingling can be a sign of a stroke or other serious condition, especially when it occurs on one side of the body or comes on suddenly!


Cervical spine disorders

If you are experiencing pain in the shoulders, neck, arms, or hands, as well as numbness, tingling, or weakness, you may be suffering from a spine disorder. And in some cases, you can even be advised for Non-Fusion Spine Surgery to treat the root of the problem.


Movement problems

Difficulty shuffling your feet, walking, tremors, and unintentional jerks, can all be signs of a nervous system problem!


Memory problems or confusion

Worsening memory problems, mixing up words, or personality changes could be signs of Alzheimer's disease.

So, if you experiencing any of these symptoms among others, visit an experienced neurologist that can help identify the cause of symptoms and develop a treatment plan for both common as well as complex neurological conditions.


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