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Netherlands Server IP

What has dedicated IP, and why do you need it


Through a VPN, you and your business can have exclusive usage of a certain IP address known as a "dedicated IP address" (VPN). Users with this IP address can log in securely to the network from any location and view all company data.

When you sign up for Netherlands Dedicated Server Hosting, your provider will provide you with a unique, permanent IP address that no one else can access. Of course, this IP address won't be the same as your real one at home, so you'll still be safe while browsing the web. You can use that IP address to route your data without compromising privacy. Not only will that, but no one else can utilize your IP address.

A dedicated Netherlands server IP allows you to manage access, stop hackers from breaking into your network, and guarantee that your staff can access company data quickly and easily from anywhere in the world.

Benefits of a Dedicated IP

Virtual private network (VPN) technology creates an encrypted connection between your company's internal network and remote users. Your organization may safeguard and encrypt all information and communication on the corporate network with the help of a dedicated IP address and a corporate virtual private network.

Stay off the blacklist

A dedicated IP's main benefit is that it is less likely to end up on a blacklist. When compared to when numerous computers share the same IP address, dedicated IPs are exclusively allotted to one device. In contrast, having a dedicated IP address won't raise any red flags when you visit websites, which will change the reception you receive.

Easy Site Access

A dedicated IP address is a must-have when you need to access your hosting account from any location. It's common to practice, for instance, to maintain an FTP server for expedited file transmission to the host. Larger files can be transferred rapidly thanks to the dedicated IP.

Faster Emails

Faster email delivery is another advantage of a dedicated IP. According to providers like Gmail and Yahoo, emails with a dedicated IP address are more reliable than those with a shared IP address. Emails sent via shared IP addresses are more likely to be spam; thus, these providers usually perform a second check before delivering them.

Website speeds and ranking

Google, in particular, will evaluate how quickly various websites load to determine their search engine ranks. Therefore, other sites on the shared hosting account would not be negatively affected. Theoretically, though, if the spam website is popular, it might slow down the loading times for all websites. As a result, this could hurt the rankings of "safe" websites.

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