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How to Make Maximum Use of Gift Cards

Quchange trading limited
How to Make Maximum Use of Gift Cards

Gift cards make perfect presents for any occasion because they allow you to buy from specific merchants. Whether you use up their entire value or gradually spend them, you probably want to get more out of these money gifts. If you’re a savvy shopper, you can maximise these cards by using the best app to sell gift cards for cash. Here are some ways to optimise these gifts and make them more rewarding:


Know how much your cards are worth


Research the value of your gift cards to know their resale value. You can also check that on a gift card-selling app that guarantees the best rates. That way, you can make an informed decision on what to do with them, such as converting them to cash or re-gifting them.


Sell low-value cards


If the item you want to purchase is more expensive than the value of your gift card, you can use the cards towards the purchase amount so that you end up paying less out of pocket. But if you don’t want to spend any money, consider trading in the cards for cash instead. Use the best app to sell gift cards for cash in Nigeria and check the rates. It may not seem much, but when you think about it, would you rather have a small amount of money stored in a card or in your wallet?


Trade it for cash


Do you have some gift cards you can’t use? Instead of keeping them, find the best app to sell gift cards for cash and use that to convert the value into cash. You won’t get the exact amount stated on each card, but it should be competitive enough.


Make sure the app is from a company in Nigeria and that it has the best gift card rates. Transactions should be completed within a few minutes, and you can see the money in your account soon.


These are just some things you can do to make the most of partially used or unused gift cards. If you need extra money, check out Quchange — the best app to sell gift cards for cash in Nigeria. Download it today and use it to trade what you have instantly!



About the author:

This article is written by Damilola from Quchange. Quchange is the best and most secure trading company, where you can sell/exchange your gift cards which you have won and get instant Cash/Naira. Trading is made easier with Quchange, as it offers a wide range of gift cards to exchange for cash. Join our community of more than 40k satisfied customers and begin your trading journey with us. Download our app for seamless trade, with instant payment on your account.

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