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Everything you need to know about dimming your lights

Shubham dhyani
Everything you need to know about dimming your lights

If you're an electrician who is new to the business, you'll probably hear a lot of people talking about "dimming" something. Perhaps they're referring to a dimmer switch or LED dimmers. Or it could be that someone is referring to changing the intensity (brightness) of something, whether light, sound, or dimmer control. But if we can all stop using the word "dim" for everything, the word is a grab-bag used for many products like dimmer control. In this blog, we will discuss meaningful information about how dimming works and what it does. Let us first understand what a dimmer switch is:

What is a dimmer switch?

You can change the amount of light by controlling the current or voltage of a lamp with a dimmer switch. We refer to this as functional lighting since it is more for practical use, such as when you are in a working location or have a space in your home where you do a lot of work.

Dimming your lamp is necessary if you want to create a more personal and calming atmosphere, such as one for a romantic supper.

Which light fixtures can you dim using a dimmer switch?

You must take into account several elements because you cannot control all lights' current flow. The best dimmer switches for LED lights are frequently those that operate on phase cut-off.

An LED light can be damaged if a regular or conventional dimmer switch is used with it because the LED light will start to buzz, bounce, or vibrate. There are specific dimmer switches for LEDs when using 12V or 230V LED lights.

More Information on LED Dimmers:

Is it possible to dim any LED bulbs?

Simply put, no


Putting a non-dimmable LED light bulb on a dimmable circuit and expecting it to function is like throwing a toaster into the water and expecting it to swim. Dimmable LED light bulbs and their non-dimmable equivalents employ fundamentally different components.

It will only result in a crushing letdown and some badly compromised electrics. However, a dimmable light bulb will still function usually on a non-dimmable circuit; it will just not dim. Therefore, at least your electrical system won't have been destroyed.

Can I dim my LED light bulbs with my current dimmer?

It entirely depends on the type of dimmer you have. Though that may not always be the case, if you've previously used your dimmer with incandescent or halogen light bulbs, it is a leading-edge dimmer. 

Based on the notion that leading-edge dimmers have been in existence for a longer time and are, therefore, more common than the more recent trailing-edge version, this presumption is made. It's best to determine what type of dimmer switch you have in this situation.

Only a crushing letdown and some seriously damaged electrics will be the outcome.

What's the Difference between Leading Edge vs. Trailing-Edge Dimmers:

● Leading-edge dimmers: The more common of the two dimmers is by far the cutting-edge variety. They have been in use to dim conventional light and mains halogen light bulbs for much longer. Since they can often handle wattages between 250 and 1000, they are less likely to function with LED light bulbs. However, this is still possible if the necessary tolerances are satisfied.

● Trailing edge or LED-ready dimmers: LED-ready or trailing edge dimmers have been created especially for use with LED lamps. These dimmers are more suitable with LED light bulbs' of lower wattages because they have significantly lower wattage requirements. In this way, they are significantly more compatible with one another due to their similar wattage ranges and innate digital nature.

The simplest method to avoid misunderstanding in this situation is to find out which dimmers work with a certain kind of light bulb.

Does a leading-edge dimmer work with conventional incandescent light bulbs to dim them?

You can control the current flow of traditional incandescent light bulbs quite easily. A minimum and maximum load come with every leading edge dimmer. Everything will function properly as long as the light bulb or light bulbs used with the dimmer are within these limitations.


Most manufacturers thoroughly test their products on a variety of dimmer switches to ensure compatibility, and the findings are typically easily accessible on the websites of each manufacturer.

Schneider Electric is a leading manufacturer of modular switches and sockets. Their range of products includes a variety of toggle switches, dimmers, and modular electrical boxes. If you are looking for a unique solution to your electrical needs, Schneider Electric's custom design services can help. Their team of experienced engineers can create a custom solution tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you get the perfect switch or socket for your application. For more details, contact us today.

Shubham dhyani
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