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What does it cost for international students to study and live in the USA?

What does it cost for international students to study and live in the USA?

Studying in the USA can be expensive, but planning your budget smartly can help you effectively manage your finances. Check out our comprehensive guide about the cost of study, tuition fees, living expenses, and the most affordable universities in the USA to help you plan your new life in the USA well.


How much does it cost to study in the USA?

Universities in America are majorly divided into two categories - Public/State and Private. The education cost at a public/state university is comparatively lesser than that of a private institution. Your expenditure on tuition fees depends on the type of qualification and university or school you opt for. To cover tuition fees, you will need approx—$ 10,000 to $55,000 a year (indicative).

Most commonly, humanities, education, and art courses are cheaper, while subjects such as medicine and engineering are likely to be more expensive. If you wish to study at the postgraduate level, the tuition fees are typically higher, and the costs vary depending on the program. As with most other countries, MBA programs are often the most expensive. The average cost for these programs is around $60,000 (indicative).

If you want to bring down your educational expenses, apply for various scholarships.

Accommodation costs in the USA

Most universities in the US offer on-campus residence to international students. Living as a resident on-campus is a very affordable option. However, you need to apply for it separately and well ahead of time to secure a slot for yourself.

You can also opt for an off-campus accommodation wherein you can share apartments with other international students or live in a homestay with a local family. You should be open to adjusting to a different lifestyle in such cases. Remember, the rentals vary from city to city.


Cost of US Student Visa

In order to study in the US, the first step is to secure a valid student visa, which comes with its own costs (approx. $160).


What’s the cost of living in the USA?

You need to save a little money for grocery shopping, social activities, and emergencies. Considering various expenses and living costs, a single student's budget in the US comes between $ 10,000 and $ 25,000 per academic year (indicative), depending on the city they choose to live in. It would help if you also considered these everyday expenses when creating your budget:


  • Internet/phone: $35 - 60
  • Food: $17 – 42 on Average
  • Rent: $104 - 208
  • Electricity/gas: $50 – 100 on average
  • Transport: $36 on average


What’s the cost of health insurance in the USA?

It is mandatory for all students traveling to the US to get medical insurance before the commencement of their program. Several American universities and colleges have initiated comprehensive health insurance plans for international students, but that is applicable as long your program is ongoing and ceases upon completion.


Certain institutions may not offer any insurance, so you must arrange private medical insurance. The average cost for medical insurance ranges between $700 and $1,000 per year (indicative).


Can I work in the USA while studying?

Yes! This is an excellent way to earn money for expenses and get valuable work experience while studying abroad. International students in the US are allowed to work 20 hours per week during academic sessions and full-time during vacations. Your earned income may be taxable if you choose to work along with your studies.


To know more about Canada Scholarships for International Students 2023, please visit the official website at https://www.ennroll.com/ or call us at +971 58 566 7553 for additional details. 

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