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Human Ethics in Human Resources and Management

Human Ethics in Human Resources and Management

When an employee comes late to the office, is it ethical to fire him? If the employee suffers from any illness and has to take two weeks of bulk leaves, is it fair to penalize him?

These questions do not have direct answers, and human resource managers have to deal with them daily.

Human resources deals with managing and empowering employees. Ethics have always mattered in professional and personal lives. As HR professionals, we should hold ethics in high regard as powerful weapons to maintain trust and confidence.

You want to know the business policies that achieve employee confidence and overall employee performance. Human resource professionals help an organization uphold values immaterial to any other factors.

Remember that ethical issues should be avoided, and they can’t be prevented from happening.

Some ethical issues like unfair employee bias based on net worth, gender, or color should be avoided. Another common ethical violation is asking about someone’s religious or political views and dividing them based on those categories.

Role of ethics in Human Resource Management

HR ethics helps the manager to conduct fair practices according to the written law of the countries.  Also, decisions based on discrimination against multiple groups create wrath against the HR manager.

Doing business unethically can destroy the name among peer groups that misdeeds can spread everywhere. HR ethics can attract the loyalty of employees by putting more effort into their work plans. The business manager encourages collaboration; employees will have the best organizational decisions.HRM Ethics stands for basic human rights, employment fight, safety in the workplace, and privacy.

How HRM can Promote HR Ethics?

HR managers can follow a recruitment policy that is equal to all applicants.  The regular questionnaire should be followed by every candidate and offensive questions should be avoided. HR managers should be trained in HR ethics other than managerial study. The human resources department should be the centerpiece of avoiding any discrimination based on color, caste, culture, appearance, or religion. The HR manager should be knowledgeable about existing ethical laws. Always encourage employees to have professional development than egos burning down. The HR department should be the final word in Human ethics mediation in times of a violation.

The Right Side of the Law

If there is a violation of human ethics, companies can get into legal trouble and lose the reputation they have earned from years of sustained effort. Whenever there is a breach of law, the employees do not come to the HR manager, as they have higher authority in place-The Judicial System. So if the HR manager sees an ethical right violation, get to the root of the problem and solve the problem or fire the miscreants.

An employee should not be discriminated against on any basis, and they should be given equal pay and career development trajectory. Involuntary ethical violations should be mediated to an out-of-court settlement. The company's reputation can be destroyed in no time if there is any ethical violation.

Maintain the Reputation

Legal cases can increase the expenses of an organization.  The word of mouth of a company should always be optimistic. No need to occupy the front pages of the newspaper with charges such as discrimination issues, sexual harassment, and unfair employment.

When optimistic news about a company travels through the newsstand, job candidates get attracted to the company and they seek employment in that company.  If there is an unethical event or entity in your company, skilled and tenured employees try to ward off the premises and join a more reputed company.

Keeping Employee Loyalty

HR has to treat employees with trust and loyalty, which conveys compassion to employees. Loyal employees are put in a speeding career trajectory with other employees, allowing them to increase their effort and better their mental condition to work. This increases the productivity and efficiency of the organization.

The product sellers can gain loyal employees, with the increase in the number of products sold. 

Loyal employees act as patrons of these products, ask friends of them to purchase these products and convey a shade of optimism to the general public.

Promoting ethics program

A strong reputation never comes in a day. It needs a study of human ethics and its violations and HR managers should be ready to go to distant ends to curb any violation of human ethics. Display posters that stop ethical violations on the company wall, and hire supervisors to check the large employee base, so that no unfortunate violations happen.

Put HR ethics at the forefront to eliminate discrimination, sexual harassment, and the treatment of employees, Make practical methods to stop the occurrence of human ethics violations.

Closing thoughts…

The role of the HR manager in the stopping of human ethics violations based on religion, sex, handicap, race, physical attributes, sexual orientation, or even something a personal issue presented as a joke should find solutions to curb or pacify it, without hurting both parties.

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