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Study Abroad Assistant App - Stay Connected With Your Friends Back Home

Arav Jhon
Study Abroad Assistant App - Stay Connected With Your Friends Back Home

When applying for a study abroad program, there are a number of things you need to consider. You must choose a university, complete a goal-assessment tool, and apply for financial aid. All these steps will ensure that your application is as smooth as possible. The good news is that you can now do all of this with a new app on your phone.

Circle of Six

If you're a study abroad buff and have the budget, there's a smartphone app you should take advantage of. The app is Circle of Six. It's free and available on both Apple and Android devices. One of the coolest things about the app is that it's a good way to stay connected with your friends back home. Whether you're a student or an alum, you have to know your friends are safe and sound. While a smartphone isn't going to stop a bad guy from attacking you, it can keep your friends in your corner when the worst happens.

One of the best features of Circle of Six is that you can track your friends with an easy to use GPS tracking system. This is especially handy if you're on a college campus.

Apply for study abroad

It is important to have a solid understanding of what you want to get out of your study abroad experience. Whether you want to take an internship, learn a new language, or simply immerse yourself in a different culture, a study abroad program is a great opportunity. Before you start, you should research the different types of programs and decide which one is best suited to your personal goals.

Study abroad requires a lot of commitment. You need to be fully vaccinated, be prepared to complete required tests, and comply with host institution requirements. Additionally, you should plan ahead to make sure your financial aid file is complete. This will help to reduce stress while you are abroad.

If you need additional funding, you should begin the application process before you leave. You can also request an Academic Advisor endorsement. The advisor will be able to provide you with signed documents and can assist you with completing the application.

Select a university

Getting a scholarship for the good aw are not the only obstacle in your way to earning your degree on a budget. Luckily, there are many companies that help you navigate the murky waters of the global classroom. From scholarships to travel guides, these companies help make the experience less stressful and more enlightening. Those who wish to attend a university abroad can opt for a semester or year long program. These programs have the same rigorous standards as those attending a local university but provide a more personalized experience. With so many options to choose from, the smartest choice for you is a decision based on your interests and needs. Regardless of your decision, there are a few tips and tricks you can employ to ensure your best possible journey.

Get financial aid

If you are planning to go on a study abroad program, you may want to consider getting financial aid. There are several forms of aid that you can apply for, such as federal grants, scholarships, loans, and TEAN programs.

For most schools, a student's eligibility for aid will depend on their financial need. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a good place to start looking for sources of aid. Aside from federal funds, there are private sector grants, fellowships, and loans that you can apply for. Some schools will automatically apply for federal grants for you if you are planning to study abroad.

Before you start planning your study abroad trip, meet with your education abroad advisor to determine the cost of your study abroad program. You will need to estimate your costs so that you can qualify for the appropriate amount of aid.

Arav Jhon
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