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Dodge, Kia, and Hyundai Owners: Beware the Tik Tok Hack

Select Insurance Group
Dodge, Kia, and Hyundai Owners: Beware the Tik Tok Hack

A security flaw in certain Dodge, Hyundai, and Kia models made them easy for criminals to steal. And word got out on social media: A prominent Tik Tok user discovered the security deficiency… and published it all over the Web.So now the word is out: These manufacturers were trying to keep costs down, and so skipped installing an immobilizer on these vehicles. And without the immobilizer, the Tik Tok star found out that it was a simple matter to start the car up with a USB cable or screwdriver and just… just drive it away!Kia and hyundai focus much of their business on budget-friendly cars. So they’re naturally looking for ways to cut costs during the manufacturing process to save money for themselves and for their customers.

In this case, they got a little too cheap, and left a flaw that turned out to be easy for criminals to exploit:

the lower-end models for these cars — the ones with a standard key ignition rather than a push button – have an easily-accessible ignition column that thieves can easily remove in seconds. Once it’s removed, there’s an exposed rectangular pin that just happens to be sized just perfectly to fit into the opening in a regular usb cable. Just slip the usb cable opening over the exposed pin, give it a little twist just like you’re turning a regular key, and vroom! You’re off to the races.as a result, theft rates for these vehicles have skyrocketed nationwide, as thieves are always on the lookout for an easy take.

At least one prominent insurance company has found out, and has stopped issuing new comprehensive or collision coverage on any of these vehicles.

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