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Complete Guide to WordPress Web Development

Jack Salvator
Complete Guide to WordPress Web Development

WordPress shares the major part of website development across the world. That’s why WordPress is the first choice of web developers to develop a website on the WordPress platform in the easiest way.

Building a website is the primary part of creating an online presence on the internet for every business. The first stage to develop a website is to choose of web development platform that is better suitable for your business. There are many options is available for web development such as Wix, Weebly, and more with WordPress. But WordPress stands out from others. That’s why most WordPress development companies prefer WordPress for every website development.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free open-source content management system(CMS) tool for individuals without any coding experience who can set up websites or blogs. The main advantage of WordPress is anyone can install, manage and modify it free of cost.

Here are a few categories of websites that WordPress uses.


eCommerce website, 

Portfolio website, 

Forum website, 

Event websites

eLearning websites

Why should use WordPress?

WordPress cover over 40% of all website built on WordPress on the internet. So, the question is on the rise that why WordPress is a more favorable web development platform.

1. Open-source

WordPress is a free open-source platform and it is not owned by a single individual or a company. The main WordPress platform is WordPress.org is free to install and use but it will need to pay for web hosting and domain name.

2. SEO-friendly

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is a process of making any website search engine friendly that generates traffic of users and visitors through Google, Bing, and other search engines. WordPress offers many SEO plugins and tools that help to make the website fully SEO-friendly.

3. Security

Website security is one of the most essential things on the internet. WordPress makes your website data secure. WordPress is the safest CMS platform that offers different features and tools to secure your website and data by adding two-factor verification. 

4. Support media

WordPress supports every type of media types and works easily with them. Also, you can customize those media as per your need and make a custom website. WordPress enables developers to use all types of media files and make a website more attractive and user-oriented.

5. Themes and plugins

WordPress offers many more themes and plugins that make the WordPress website more responsive, user-friendly, secure, and attractive. There are some themes and plugins that are free and some are paid to use or upgrade.

6. Community support

WordPress owned a great community platform that include not only users but developers, and designers who also connected with the WordPress community and provide help and suggestion on any queries.

Differences between WordPress.com & Wordpress.org

If you are confused between WordPress.org and WordPress.com. here is the answer.

WordPress.org is called self-hosed WordPress, it is free open-source web development software that offers free-of-cost website development instead of domain hosting purchase.

On other hand, WordPress.com is a pre-hosted platform of WordPress. It is free to start using and no need to separate hosting accounts to use it. Just create your account on WordPress.com and build your website.

The self-hosted WordPress is available on WordPress.org If you want to build a website on your own, self-hosted WordPress.org is the best choice.

6 points to start with WordPress

  • choose the hosting for your website
  • choose the domain name
  • choose a theme for your website
  • customize your website
  • use plugins and features
  • create content on your website

Bottom line

Certainly, WordPress is the most used web development platform that offers many functions and tools that make every website to full-featured business website. There are many benefits that WordPress offers for web development solutions that make your WordPress web design and development process easy and fast.

Jack Salvator
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