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What advantages of Laser Hair Reduction Treatment in Delhi?

Eterna Vision & Aesthetics
What advantages of Laser Hair Reduction Treatment in Delhi?

Considering laser hair removal is a good idea if you'd rather not shave, wax, or tweeze unwanted hair. A laser hair removal procedure is available today. It involves injecting concentrated light beams into the hair follicles to destroy the pigment.

Many benefits can be gained from Laser Hair Reduction Treatment in Delhi

precision treatment

One of the problems with waxing, shaving, and plucking is that they don't only target the hair. It is common for the surrounding skin to become irritated. Common signs include redness, ingrown bumps, small cuts, and bumps. It is important to note that laser removal does not damage the surrounding skin, as lasers only target the area being treated, so no damage is caused to the surrounding skin.

Fast results

An area of approximately one-quarter square inch is treated each second. The area you are treating will determine the length of your treatment. The entire process of having your upper lip hair removed can take under a minute. For larger areas like your back, or both, it could take up to an hour.

Predictable outcomes

Laser treatment is very reliable. In just three to five sessions, approximately 90% of patients can achieve permanent hair loss. Based on how much hair you have and the texture of your hair, your dermatologist will help you determine what results to expect.

Recovery and Risks

Your skin will feel sunburned after 2 to 3 days of therapy. This can be done by the therapist using cool compressors or moisturizers. You can also wear makeup the next morning if your skin doesn't get blisters or other side effects. Your treated hair will eventually fall out within a month. 

Although it is rare to get blisters from therapy, people with darker skin tones are more likely to develop them. Other side effects possible include redness, swelling, scarring, and irritation.

Costs for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal costs vary depending on where they are being performed.

Some of the major factors are:

. Area

. It can be done in a number of ways and takes a lot of time.

You can get a quick estimate of the cost of Permanent Laser Hair Reduction Treatment in Delhi by scheduling a consultation.

Eterna Vision & Aesthetics
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