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Hair Transplant Treatment — Types and Procedure At Dadu Medical Centre

Neha Sharma
Hair Transplant Treatment — Types and Procedure At Dadu Medical Centre

No matter how hard one tries to deny it, hair is an essential component of one’s appearance, and the pain of hair loss is unlike any other pain. Not just women, but even men are now concerned about it. Stress, poor diet, a lack of essential nutrients, an unhealthy lifestyle, and chemical products are all significant contributors to hair loss and damage.

We can all thank medical research for creating the hair transplant procedure, which is today fairly widespread and reasonably priced for an average person. Dr. Nivedita Dadu describes the types, advantages, steps, and costs associated with Hair Transplant Treatment In Delhi. Scroll down to learn more!

Who Needs a Hair Transplant Surgery

A good candidate for hair transplant treatment is a person who is suffering from:

  • Male pattern baldness
  • Hair loss due to burn or injury
  • Hair thinning

One cannot get a hair transplant in the following cases:

  • Hair loss due to medical treatment like chemotherapy
  • Doesn’t have donor area with healthy hair growth
  • Hair loss due to skin infection like psoriasis
  • Females experiencing patterned scalp hair loss

Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant can enhance one’s appearance in no time. Apart from this there are many other benefits associated with hair transplant treatment. These include:

  • A Permanent Solution: Hair restored with transplant treatment work as a permanent solution.
  • Cost Effective Treatment: In the long term, hair transplant treatment turns out to be very cost effective. Compared to other treatments that take multiple sittings and give temporary, unsatisfied results, hair transplant is very cost efficient.
  • Natural Hair: Unlike wigs, hair transplant gives a more natural look that matches one’s original hair.
  • No Medication: Despite being a surgical procedure, hair transplant does not involve any post surgery oral or topical medicines.
  • Lesser Complications: Being a non-invasive surgery, hair transplant carries very little risk of post surgery complications.
  • High Success Rate: Out of all the methods of hair regrowth, a hair transplant surgery has the highest success.
  • Minimal Maintainence: Once the hair follicles start growing with this procedure, it takes only basic maintenance to keep the transplanted hair healthy.
  • New Confidence: By improving appearance, hair transplant helps on boosting one’s confidence.


Neha Sharma
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