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Invest in a Home and Gain Turkish Citizenship with Pride

Shane robert
Invest in a Home and Gain Turkish Citizenship with Pride

The Republic of Turkey is one of the most desirable countries in the world for people seeking a new home. With its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and generous government-backed incentives, it’s no wonder why more and more people are looking to make Turkey their home. For those who want to become citizens of Turkey, there is an unbeatable combination: buying a house and gaining turkish citizenship by investment.


The process of buying property in Turkey is relatively straightforward and can be done quite easily with the help of local realtors or other real estate professionals. Buyers will need to provide proof of funds (in either cash or bank transfer) as well as a valid passport, which should be provided prior to signing any contracts. Once the purchase has been completed, buyers will receive their deed and title for the property, which serves as proof that they own the house outright. This deed also serves as tangible proof that the buyer has met all requirements for Turkish citizenship.

The first step in obtaining citizenship is submitting an application to Turkey’s Ministry of Interior Affairs. The applicant must provide documents that prove they have purchased property in Turkey, along with other paperwork such as identity documents and police records from their home country. Once the application is accepted, applicants can begin processing their visa applications through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and apply for residence permits through local authorities within 30 days after entering the country on a tourist visa. The residence permit must then be renewed every year until full Turkish citizenship is granted (which typically takes three years).

In addition to being able to buy a house and gain citizenship in one easy step, there are many other benefits associated with purchasing property in Turkey. For example, foreign buyers have access to some great tax breaks when buying property in certain areas; these include exemption from inheritance taxes as well as discounts on value-added tax (VAT) and capital gains tax (CGT). There are also several financing options available for those who need additional assistance with making payments on their properties - including mortgage loans from local banks at very competitive interest rates.


Conclusion: In summary, buying a house in Turkey can be an unbeatable combination not only because it allows you to experience all that this beautiful country has to offer but also because it provides you with an opportunity to obtain full Turkish citizenship after three years of residence permits have been obtained and maintained. With its favorable tax laws, available financing options and clear path towards citizenship - there really isn’t any better way for non-Turkish citizens to gain residency rights than by investing in real estate here! If you’re looking for an opportunity that offers both great quality of life and economic security - look no further than buying a house in Turkey!


Shane robert
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