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Get expert advice and featured service with telecom billing systems

Vcare Corporation
Get expert advice and featured service with telecom billing systems

By creating new services and ecosystems, many telecom providers today want to go beyond connection and produce economic value. They are examining new income opportunities and diversifying their product lines to include cloud, security, financial, and digital entertainment items. According to a 2022 GSMA research, MENA providers including Turkcell, STC, e&, and Orange were offering an increasing number of instances of income diversification. The changes in the telecom industry's billing capabilities and the function of oss and bss services in reaching new business objectives.

Increasing Product Offerings and Discovering New Sources of Income

Modernizing BSS systems to create new income sources is a crucial problem. Operators must be prepared for new pricing and invoicing methods as well as cutting-edge customer service techniques as a result of the digital revolution and expanding operator ecosystems. To improve operational efficiency in the more complicated environment, telecom billing systems are being rethought and all billing functions are being moved onto more adaptable platforms.

By going far beyond conventional telecom services, modern BSS is designed to support a wide product variety. For instance, telecommunications companies might provide a subscription to cloud storage, streaming, and other video services. They can also offer more creative packages, such as banking services and billing-on-behalf when the operator assists customers in paying for outside services. The need for more BSS flexibility is highlighted by CSPs' increasing reliance on external partner offerings to keep subscribers interested.

Convergence and Billing System Consolidation

The emphasis on the consumer as the "owner" of revenues and the long-term investment in ecosystems are also influencing how people think about customer service. The ability to manage accounts and services from a single platform is one of the key prerequisites for enhancing the flexibility and diversity of services, as well as the efficiency of client involvement. Otherwise, operators manage several separate subscriber accounts rather than a single "converged" subscriber. As a result of the operator losing concentration and a 360-degree perspective of the consumer and failing to convert possible cross-sell and upsell possibilities, this method considerably complicates the invoicing process and decreases loyalty. Additionally, the complexity and ever-increasing number of tariffs place a tremendous burden on IT systems. In this context, one of the crucial, if expensive, measures to deliver a consistent client experience is to consolidate several siloed systems.

By establishing a single convergent platform to control the whole revenue-generating process, telecom billing vendors may maximise efficiency. To meet this persistent demand, Nexign has unveiled Nexign Revenue Management, which enables operators to concentrate on consolidated revenues and take advantage of innovative services and monetization strategies. The new solution is prepared to operate with any telecom services, digital subscriptions, or third-party goods and bundles and covers the complete revenue management process, from charging and policy administration through billing and collection. Additionally, sophisticated 4G and 5G network monetization scenarios are supported by convergent charging, robust policy control, network exposure, and network analytics.

Lowering TCO

Over the past few years, the burden of telecoms' significant expenditures despite continuous digitization has increased. Total cost of ownership (TCO) reduction is quickly moving up the operator's priority list. The transition to technologies with less vendor dependence and open-source solutions is frequently required to achieve this aim. Additionally, operators work to streamline, combine, and automate their business operations to use resources as efficiently as possible.

Speed of Change

The rate of telecom change is another intriguing problem related to the idea of ecosystems. Five years ago, the operators' pricing strategies determined the level of competition in the telecom industry; today, it depends on a variety of variables combined. For instance, CSPs use enticing packages with a variety of services to try to draw clients. Modern oss software telecom ought to facilitate the quick introduction of such concepts, assist in regulating their effectiveness, and modify them by market demands.

The current digital economy is likened to a constantly bubbling cauldron where fresh thoughts, ideas, and proposals are conceived. CSPs must immediately adopt innovations to be competitive in the market because some of them fail to take off while others have an immediate impact. This tale is reflected in the fact that telecom billing vendors are turning to the IT sector and beginning to create their goods and services.


BSS systems are evolving significantly as a concept. From basic service charges through invoicing, new goods, and customer support, modern BSS should keep an eye on and optimise operational and commercial operations. It should also be adaptable so that it can easily meet the needs of the telecom sector.

The speed of change required from enterprises is rising quickly as we head towards 5G. To open up new income streams and provide cutting-edge services to their digital-first clientele, telecom operators continue to rethink and expand their role in value chains, attempt creative business models, and explore novel business sectors. All of these developments, of course, affect BSS systems and need a focus on enhancing operational effectiveness and maintaining a high pace of innovation.

Vcare Corporation
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