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Panchakarma Treatments in Singapore

Panchakarma Treatments in Singapore

Our Panchakarma treatments in Singapore include Abhyanga, Rheumavedic Abhyanga, Shiro Abhyanga With Poultice, Greeva Abhyanga With Poultice, Prishta Abhyanga With Poultice, Paadha Abhyanga With Poultice, Shirodhara, Pizhichil, Post-natal Therapy, and Global Ayurvedic Special is one of our special ayurvedic therapy treatment for relaxing muscle pain therapy.

Global Ayurvedic Centre Pte Ltd mission is to deliver the best Ayurveda treatment in Singapore care outside of India. Singapore benefits from a fantastic geographic location and top-notch infrastructure. Since we first opened, we have witnessed an increase in the number of individuals who are now free from a variety of chronic conditions. The number of individuals who are not Indian has also been gradually increasing. We also provide separate Ayurvedic massages in Singapore treatment rooms for men and women with therapists of the appropriate gender.

A reputable ayurveda clinic in Singapore, Global Ayurvedic Centre is well-known for its high-quality Ayurvedic treatments in Singapore / therapies, and massages. By combining the principles of ayurvedic traditions with contemporary treatment methods, we hope to deliver natural and organic healing for your mind and body with our Panchakarma treatments in Singapore. Our certified team of ayurvedic doctors and professional employees offer ayurvedic massages that naturally supply the soothing properties that help your body gets detoxified and improve immunity. We are renowned Ayurveda in Singapore for providing our patients with top-notch Ayurvedic therapies at the most reasonable prices, and throughout the years, we have helped numerous individuals enhance their quality of life.

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