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Do you need fridge repair service?

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Do you need fridge repair service?

When we talk about electronic appliances the first thing that should pop up in your mind is the maintenance it will need. Researching thoroughly before buying an electronic product is a must but is the research on its care important too? The answer is yes. 

When we buy products with high prices and for a long duration, we tend to invest more time and effort in researching all the available brands, stores, reviews, and marketplaces. We even take feedback from family and friends. Well, it is the right way to buy electronic appliances. However, what is the right way to know if your appliances need repair services? By listening to your appliances. 

Refrigerators are one of those appliances that we use every day. It is essential nowadays as our lifestyles have changed. However, like any other device refrigerators also break down. They keep our food safe, and we must keep an eye on its working as spoilt food can do good to nobody except bacteria.

These are some signs that you need fridge repair service and a little extra care-

Unusual Noises 

Refrigerators tend to make loud noises which lets you know it need repairing or replacement. While the compressor might be at fault here, there could be more to it. Just like human bodies, your refrigerator also needs an early diagnosis. If not done, it may lead to more problems and higher repair costs. A little sound could be your hint to either repair your fridge or replace it. It’s always suggested to dial a fridge repair service for a quick checkup.

Temperature shifts

Refrigerators are expected to be at a constant temperature only different in the freezer compartment. However, if you do notice different temperatures on different shelves, it's time for a fridge repair service You can check this by keeping the same food on different shelves and checking if it’s getting spoiled.

Frost builds up on your freezer walls

If you notice excessive frost build-up on the walls of your freezer, it's most likely that you won't be able to eat your ice cream, but you’ll have to drink it! The frost impairs the cooling of your freezer which is mostly caused due to a faulty defrost heater, door seal or the defrost thermostat. Leave these problems to the technician by calling for a fridge repair service.

Water Leakage 

If you see a puddle of water under your refrigerator, it is a crude sign for you to call a technician asap, because you don’t want to slip when you were going into the refrigerator just to get the last piece of pizza from last night.

Switch On and Off cycles

If your refrigerator is in a constant cycle of switching on and off, there might be a problem with the compressor or the temperature control mechanism. Call an expert technician to avoid food spoilage.

Well, it also depends on the age of your refrigerator. A refrigerator older than 18 years is most likely a replacement item. As obvious as it is, an older fridge would need a high-cost fridge repair service and a shorter guarantee period. Which may later lead to repeated repairs. The thumb rule is to check if the repair price is lower than half the price of a new refrigerator. If it is higher than that, you're better off buying a new refrigerator. 

There are common problems that are solvable just by DIYs such as making sure the refrigerator is receiving proper power, adjusting the thermostat, and dusting off the compressor and condenser coils. Refrigerators need proper ventilation in the backside too, check if the vents are unblocked for enough airflow.


However, the benefits of hiring a professional are endless. The experience the technicians have can never be replaced with a Google search. Touching electronic appliances can never be a good idea, the technicians adhere to safety protocols and therefore it is better to let them do their work. 

If you notice any of these signs in your refrigerator, save yourself from spoilt food and contact fridge repair service to receive quick, affordable and convenient solutions. It is advisable to dial professional technicians for their expertise and experience in this area. Therefore, by researching good maintenance and fridge repair services avoid spoilt food and health problems.

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