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Does It Make Sense To Construct A Unique House In The Algarve?

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Does It Make Sense To Construct A Unique House In The Algarve?

There are several benefits to Custom home construction on one's own property in Portugal. Among them is the freedom to customize every aspect of the house to your tastes, to choose out the fixtures and fittings yourself, and to keep an eye on the construction process at every stage. New construction houses are often located in popular tourist areas, but buyers who choose for these types of projects will be able to experience life in a more rural, genuine Portuguese setting. Buying land in Portugal can enable you to realize a lifelong ambition of having a house constructed exactly as you want it.


In Portugal, the value of approved plots of land varies widely throughout the country.

Agricultural land in rural locations may be quite affordable, costing as low as a few euros per square meter, and the price is sometimes a tenth of what it is near the ocean.

Half of the cost of custom house builders in a desirable location goes towards purchasing the land on which the house will be built. However, in many places, it is still possible to purchase a lot and construct a home of comparable size and quality for less than the asking price of a comparable existing residence.


In Portugal, construction companies are liable for flaws for five years after completion, with an additional year for minor issues (less than in many other countries). Especially with regard to material faults, issues during construction are not unusual. Having difficulties almost always takes a great deal of patience and perseverance before they are resolved satisfactorily.

A structural surveyor should inspect a finished structure for flaws and write up a report detailing his findings; if any flaws are found, the surveyor should identify who is at fault for them. Despite the fact that architects and builders in Portugal must carry indemnity insurance by law, many do so in order to avoid paying out on legitimate claims.

Energy-saving building construction

Because you're starting from scratch, you get to be in charge of the design and installation of all the energy systems in your house. Asking your contractor to choose eco-friendly and low-maintenance materials will help you save money on utilities and effort on upkeep.

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