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Complete Guide of Maternity Benefit Act 1961 & Amendment 2017

Sunshine Preschool & Daycare
Complete Guide of Maternity Benefit Act 1961 & Amendment 2017

With India’s population continuously rising, maintaining maternal health is paramount. The Maternity Benefit Act is a piece of legislation enacted in India to protect the rights of working women during pregnancy, childbirth, and after delivery. The act provides for paid leave and several other benefits for women who are expecting or have recently given birth. The importance of the Maternity Benefit Act lies in the fact that it recognizes the unique physical and emotional needs of women during pregnancy and helps to create a supportive work environment for them.

Recent statistics show that in India, only 17% of women have access to paid maternity leave, and the Maternity Benefit Act is a crucial step toward improving this situation. The Hindustan Times ranks 120th out of 190 countries regarding female labor force participation and the Maternity Benefit Act. It aims to address this disparity by enabling women to take time off work to care for their newborns without sacrificing their careers or financial stability.

Let’s discuss this act in detail here.

The Maternity Benefits Act, 1961: Understanding the Policies

The Maternity Benefits Act of 1961 applied to all organizations with ten or more employees and provided maternity benefits to women who had worked there for at least eighty days. Its main provisions included these features.

Leave Duration

Under the Maternity Benefits Act of 1961, a pregnant woman was entitled to a maximum of twelve weeks of maternity leave. This duration included six weeks of leave before the expected delivery date and six weeks after delivery. In case of a miscarriage or medical termination of pregnancy, the woman was entitled to six weeks of maternity leave. The law also allowed for an extension of up to one month in certain circumstances, such as illness or complications arising from the pregnancy or delivery.

Sunshine Preschool & Daycare
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