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Top 3 healthcare UX design trends for 2023

Helena Franco

What will healthcare look like in the future? Let’s discuss the recent trends in healthcare UX design for it to become clearer.

Healthcare design consists of visual and technical solutions that should simplify the process of using the application and make it enjoyable. For example, the stylish user interface will attract a young and progressive audience.

In the creation of healthcare apps, we can use the latest technological advances, machine learning capabilities, and artificial intelligence. But is it worth going deep into specialized technologies? Let's figure it out.

#1 Wearables usage

Specialized devices and applications don’t receive much attention from customers. But wearables do. Users like to have all the necessary functions placed in their smartphone or smartwatch.

According to research by The National Library of Medicine, about 30% of US adults use wearable healthcare devices. This applies to both familiar smartwatches and specialized devices.

However, this same study shows that the majority of users are rich, technically competent audiences. The majority of respondents answered that they use wearable healthcare devices because they like the design and gamification of the process.

People with chronic diseases or disabilities hardly use new technologies. However, wearable medical devices would be even more useful for this audience.

Integrating medical applications for these groups into smartphones and smartwatches will make technology cheaper and more accessible. It will allow the neediest category of people to get access to the latest technologies. Placing digital health on smartphones and fitness trackers allows for the successful promotion of the application. UX design can get the user to download the app out of interest because it’s fast and affordable.

Today, wearable devices have many sensors. Calorie counting, ECG, pulse measurement, and oxygen level sensor have become familiar to modern users. And this list needs to be expanded. That’s why this UX design trend will only grow in the future.

If you want to know more about using wearable technology in the product development of healthcare applications, read our thorough article: Medical Device Software Development: How to Start.

#2 Voice interfaces

One of the most popular healthcare UX design trends is voice interface usage.

This technology is especially popular in the healthcare industry for several reasons:

  1. No need to touch the screen
  2. During the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals recommend avoiding contact with dirty surfaces. The screen of the smartphone cannot be called clean, so users have to wipe it regularly.
  3. The voice interface allows you not to touch the display when performing tasks. It’s especially important for a mobile medical application because it may be needed urgently when there is no way to clear the display.
  4. Opportunities for people with special needs
  5. The voice interface helps paralyzed and blind people use their smartphones. In modern mobile app development, a lot of attention is paid to simplifying the lives of people with special needs and their patient experience.
  6. For example, Apple introduced VoiceOver, which allows you to fully use your smartphone without seeing the screen. But it still involves touching the screen, so it can only help visually impaired and blind people. Paralyzed patients need easy voice control, especially in healthcare software.
  7. Help in medical work
  8. Doctors' hands must be sterile during the examination. And this means that the use of your mobile application will be greatly simplified by the voice interface. After interacting with the necessary functions, the doctor won’t have to change gloves and wash their hands once again.

In digital healthcare, it’s one of the most interesting and promising areas. This UX design trend helps to increase the application credibility, work for a highly specialized audience, and create interactive healthcare app UX design.

Learn more: Voice User Interface: Key Benefits and Current Challenges

#3 Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Among the healthcare UI/UX design trends, the most recent development has been the use of virtual and augmented reality. Virtual reality (VR) glasses are quite common among users today, so they can be integrated into the design of healthcare applications.

Virtual reality for patients takes place in the outcomes of diseases. For example, it helps people suffering from anxiety or PTSD. Also, VR glasses can assist in meditation.

A great example is an AppliedVR app. It can be used with a medical device called RelieVRx. It allows patients with chronic diseases to train attention, do breathing exercises and properly relax using VR.

You may find it interesting: 5 Benefits of Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Technology brings even more value to healthcare workers. VR allows them to study new materials in more detail and improve their skills. The possibilities of studying anatomy are particularly interesting in that field.

Augmented reality is even more useful in healthcare app UX design. That’s why user experience designers start integrating it into the apps more and more. It comes as no surprise that AR is already being used in the healthcare sector.

For example, the AccuVein device helps healthcare professionals easily locate veins for injections.

Read more: https://www.eleken.co/blog-posts/healthcare-ux

Helena Franco
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