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Guide 101: How can you use URL Rewriting and Online ping tool

Guide 101: How can you use URL Rewriting and Online ping tool

Using SEO tools helps to find your website more effectively by search engines. To enhance the search visibility, the online ping tool and URL Rewriting tool can be effective. Let’s find out how we can use these tools.


Online Ping Tool

Ping works as a utility of computer network administration to test the reachability of hosts on IP or Internet Protocol networks. It measures the time of round trip for messages from the originating host to any destination computer.

Ping tool works as a free ping service based on the website, pinging to an IP address or domain from different locations worldwide and showing how long packets can reach the host.

The necessity of using an online ping

You can use ping from your own computer, however, it does not mean the website or server can be reached from different portions of the world. In this context, with the help of an online ping tool, ping requests can be sent to websites or IPs from different locations in the world (such as Asia, Europe and the US currently).

Using an online ping tool is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to use an online ping tool:


● Open your web browser and navigate to an online ping tool website. There are many such tools available online, so choose one that suits your needs.

● Enter the IP address or domain name you want to ping into the appropriate field. This can be the IP address or domain name of a website, server, or any other device connected to the internet.

● Click on the "Ping" or "Start" button to initiate the ping test. The online ping tool will send a series of ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets to the specified IP address or domain name.


● Wait for the results. The online ping tool will display the results of the ping test, including the number of packets sent, the number of packets received the minimum, maximum, and average round trip time (RTT), and any errors that occurred during the test.

● Analyze the results. The ping results can help you determine the quality and speed of the network connection to the specified device. If the packets were sent and received successfully, the RTT will indicate how long it took for the packets to travel from your computer to the destination and back. If there were any errors or failures, the ping tool will display error messages that can help you troubleshoot the issue.


Repeat the ping test as necessary. If you want to perform additional tests or compare results over time, you can repeat the ping test using the same or different online ping tool websites.

How can you use the URL Rewriting tool?

Before diving into the process of using the tool, let's check the reasons behind using rewritten URLs. The reasons are-

● You can easily bookmark static URLs or index them in comparison to dynamic URLs

● You can easily remember static URLs and they are user-friendly

● Static URLs help in getting good page rankings in various search engines

The free online tool URL Rewriting is an efficient tool that can generate static URLs with a single click. In this regard, simply copy and paste the URL into the box and then submit. This tool can generate the outcomes and then provide a static and shorter URL.

To turn dynamic URLs from longer to shorter ones with the help of a URL Rewriting tool online, it is necessary to enter URLs in the provided space and after that, click the button-"check". The system can process the request as well as produce a static and shorter URL.

For different webmasters and website owners, applying SEO tools, for example, the URL Rewriting tool works importantly. It can help in reaching out and promoting to a wide range of audiences globally. The tool can make the website ready for improved online visibility. In this way, from across different locations of the world, the target audience can see as well as visit the website.

For e-commerce website owners, most people can find web pages on different search engines that can lead to gaining potential conversions and traffic.

There are several ways to use URL rewriting tools, including:


Creating SEO-friendly URLs:

Use a URL rewriting tool to create URLs that are optimized for search engines. This involves modifying the URLs to include keywords and making them more readable.


Redirecting old URLs:

If you have old URLs that are no longer in use, you can use a URL rewriting tool to redirect those URLs to new pages. URL Rewriting tool online helps to ensure that visitors are not presented with broken links when they try to access old content.


Modifying URLs based on user input:

If your website allows users to search for content, you can use a URL rewriting tool to modify the URLs based on the user's search query. For example, if a user searches for "shoes," you can modify the URL to include the search term.


Removing unnecessary parameters:

If your website uses dynamic URLs with multiple parameters, you can use a URL rewriting tool to remove unnecessary parameters and make the URL more user-friendly.


Creating vanity URLs:

A vanity URL is a custom URL that is created for marketing purposes. You can use a URL rewriting tool to create vanity URLs that are easy to remember and share on social media.


Overall, URL rewriting tools can be used to improve the usability and search engine optimization of your website. However, it's important to use them correctly to avoid any negative impact on your site's search engine rankings or user experience.


Besides, a suspicious domain checker works as an effective SEO tool that can help you identify whether a domain is trustworthy or not. Here are the steps to use a suspicious domain checker:


Choose a suspicious domain checker tool:

There are several tools available online that can help you check the trustworthiness of a domain. Some popular ones include Norton Safe Web, Google Safe Browsing, and Sucuri SiteCheck.


Enter the domain name:

Once you have chosen a tool, enter the domain name you want to check. Make sure you enter the correct domain name, as a misspelt or incorrect domain name may not produce accurate results.


Run the check:

After entering the domain name, click on the "check" or "scan" button to run the check. The tool will scan the domain and analyze various factors to determine whether it's safe or not.

In this way, you can use these SEO tools effectively and make your website more visible. To use Online ping and URL Rewriting Tool Online, you can take help from MySEOTools.

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