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Consensus Mechanisms in Blockchain: Popular Algorithms You Should Know About

Tushar Verma
Consensus Mechanisms in Blockchain: Popular Algorithms You Should Know About

Blockchain technology is no longer just a buzzword associated with cryptocurrencies; it is revolutionizing several industries worldwide. It has a wide range of use cases, from finance to supply chain management. Businesses are using blockchain to create new revenue streams and secure their data. But what makes this technology practical is the consensus mechanism that lies at its core.

The consensus mechanism ensures smooth functioning among participants in a blockchain network. Imagine a distributed network where every vote is counted, with each participant having the same rights. Also, every transaction is verified by the decision made with a majority of votes, and that too without any need for a central authority. It's exactly what consensus mechanisms enable in the world of blockchain technology. Let’s explore consensus mechanisms and some of the most commonly used options available.

What is Consensus Mechanism?

Here, "consensus” refers to a general agreement or understanding among a group of people or entities. For example, a group of friends decides on a restaurant to eat at. They each suggest different options, but through discussion and negotiation, they reach an agreement on one restaurant to go to. Everyone agrees on the decision, and that's their consensus.

In the context of distributed systems and blockchain, "consensus" is the process of reaching an agreement on the state of the system among all the participating nodes. For example, while verifying a transaction in the blockchain, validators can reach a consensus on the state that whether the transaction is legitimate or not. Consensus in a blockchain network is achieved through the use of a consensus mechanism.

Consensus Mechanisms are algorithms or protocols that are designed to ensure that all nodes in the system agree on the same state. These are simply the algorithms used to reach consensus on a Blockchain. Different nodes may have different views of the system's state due to network delays, failures, or malicious actors. A consensus mechanism ensures that all nodes in the system agree on the same state.

How does a Consensus Mechanism Work?

The consensus mechanism includes several steps to get a response from the access nodes. Nodes need to validate transactions to ensure that they are legitimate. Transactions are grouped into blocks and added to the blockchain. The consensus mechanism is used to reach an agreement among the nodes on which block should be added next. An algorithm may require at least 51% of nodes to reply to reach a consensus or agreement on a data value or transaction..Read More

Tushar Verma
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