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Got Whiplash? Here are 3 Big Reasons to See Your Chiropractor

King Chiropractic
Got Whiplash? Here are 3 Big Reasons to See Your Chiropractor

Got Whiplash? Here are 3 Big Reasons to See Your Chiropractor

Bottom Line:

The term "whiplash" is used to describe the injuries that come from a sudden, violent, and quick back-and-forth motion of the neck.

These wounds may develop as a result of sports, trips and falls, or car accidents.

Most of us are familiar with this type of injury.

Most people are aware that whiplash pain is frequently linked to car accidents.

We may not be aware of the fact that whiplash injuries were once thought to be "no big problem," nevertheless.

It goes without saying that times have changed.

Physicians now understand that if a whiplash injury and its associated injuries are not treated effectively at the time it occurs, it can result in lifetime pain and incapacity.

Recent studies have also shown that patients who sustain a neck injury in a car collision are very likely to experience whiplash pain as well as subsequent neck pain.

Fortunately, research also shows that chiropractic adjustments help increase range of motion and lessen pain brought on by whiplash injuries.

And if you're searching for a nearby chiropractor in Austin, Texas who cures whiplash, you've come to the perfect place!

Why it Matters:

It's not uncommon for people to make the mistake of putting their health and well-being last on the to-do list due to the stress that comes with the accident itself, calling insurance companies, getting automobiles fixed, and other related issues.

The forces involved in an automobile accident are beyond what your body was intended to handle.

The delicate ligaments in your neck that support your head can be damaged even in low-speed collisions.

Despite the numerous safety systems in contemporary vehicles, accidents can still result in injuries that can last a lifetime as well as minor aches and pains.

Kinetic energy refers to the forces that your body and the car experience as you travel down the road.

It's true that your car was specifically designed to disperse the (kinetic) energy generated after a collision.

However, no matter what type of car you have, your body will still absorb some of the impact. 

It's likely that your body will sustain injuries as a result of those strong forces.

Your head abruptly and violently shifts forward and backward during an automobile crash.

If you experience whiplash, your head and neck have likely been forced to move past their normal range of motion.

This can harm your spinal discs or nerves as well as the muscles that support your spine by causing partial tears and other types of injury to the muscles and ligaments around your spine.

Key Indicators of a Whiplash Injury

A few key indicators that you may have suffered a whiplash injury include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and pain in your upper or lower extremities.

If you or someone you love has sustained a whiplash injury recently and are considering seeing a local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Austin, Texas, here’s are some quick facts to keep in mind: 

  • Today, whiplash injuries are considered severe and the rapid back and forth motion that occurs during the associated collision accident can lead to permanent injury to the ligaments of the neck.

  • It’s estimated that over 80% of people involved in a car accident will sustain whiplash injuries.

  • What’s more, over 50% of people with neck pain or whiplash pain after a car accident will continue to have pain one year or more after their initial injury, especially without treatment. 

Next Steps:

Remember this.

Your adrenaline is surging right after an accident, so you might not experience any whiplash pain or general physical discomfort because you'll probably be in shock.

This is why many people experience the full extent of their injuries for the first time when they wake up the morning following an accident.

You might be wondering how long your whiplash pain and other symptoms will continue if you've recently been in a vehicle accident.

The good news is that you have a strong chance of recovering in a few weeks with the right diagnosis and therapy.

After a car accident, getting the right diagnosis and treatment can also lessen your risk of developing whiplash and chronic neck discomfort for the rest of your life.

Our practice is centered on accurately evaluating, recording, and treating persons who have been in an automobile accident so they can swiftly and safely regain their quality of life.

Don't brush off mishaps and ignore your symptoms.

Instead, adhere to these three simple instructions.

First, get an evaluation.

Next, begin receiving care.

Finally, stay consistent.

Becoming healthy takes time, so if you've been in an accident and believe you may have suffered a whiplash injury, or if someone you know has just been in a car accident, be sure to contact our knowledgeable experts as soon as you can.

In Austin, Texas, if you require a local chiropractor who treats whiplash, keep in mind that our offices are open and that we are ready to assist you right away.

Science Source:

The Association Between a Motor Vehicle Collision and Future Neck Pain. Eur Spine J. 2010.

King Chiropractic
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