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Send Love to Your Brother and Sister This Raksha bandhan With Designer Rakhis

Aarav Rakhis
Send Love to Your Brother and Sister This Raksha bandhan With Designer Rakhis


Brothers and sisters – those special people who understand us even without words. These are the people we can truly call our own, and Raksha Bandhan is the perfect time to show them just how much we love them. Whether it's a Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhi for your elder brother, a Kids Rakhi for your younger sibling, or a Lumba Rakhi for your sister-in-law, this is a festival that always brings with it an added joy. And what better way to express your love than with beautiful designer Rakhis?

At aarav rakhis you can find various styles of designer Rakhis handpicked from all over India. Whether you prefer something traditional or something modern, we have something to suit every taste. From simple and elegant designs to bright and bold colors, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. So get ready to send some love to your brother and sister this rakshabandhan with designer Rakhis!

Types of Rakhi

This Rakshabandhan, make sure your brother and sister feel loved with an unforgettable Rakhi present. From Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhi to kids Rakhis, there are many varieties of Rakhis available to express the unique bond you share with each of your siblings.

To start, why not try a matching set of Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhis? These traditional Rakhis are a beautiful way to celebrate both your brother and sister-in-law's special day. There are so many options available in colorful designs, from traditional to modern—all adorned with intricate decorations and charms.

Kids Rakhis are also a great option for younger siblings. These come in playful designs for both boys and girls, featuring the latest animation characters as well as traditional figures like Lord Ganesha, Radha Krishna etc. They will be delighted when they open their birthday surprise from you!

You can also choose Lumba Rakhi for your bhabhi (sister-in-law). Traditional Lumba sets usually feature two bracelets or sets of bangles—one for the bhaiya (brother) and one for the bhabhi—which represent the deep bond between them. And if you're looking for something more contemporary, consider gifting designer Rakhis that come in elegant styles and trendy designs.

Whatever type of Rakhi you choose, make sure it's special enough to show just how much your siblings mean to you!

Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhi

For siblings who are married, consider gifting them a Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhi. This set of two Rakhis contains one for your brother’s wrist and another for your sister-in-law’s. This double gift can be chosen to represent the same sentiment and have a unified design, or it can be coordinated differently to reflect their personalities too.

These sets are often adorned with beautiful stones, golden beads and feathers to make them extra special. They also come in beautiful combos of traditional colors like red, orange and yellow as well as pearl white for the most timeless look.

With our diverse selection of Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhi sets, you’re sure to find one that will send love from near or far!

Lumba Rakhi

If you are looking for something special for your bhabhi or bhaiya, then lumba rakhi is perfect! These delightful rakhis come with an extra pendant—to symbolize the bond of love between you and your sister-in-law. From traditional designs to modern and patterned ones, lumba rakhis are available in a variety of styles to make sure that you find the perfect one to add a special touch to Rakshabandhan.

Not just for sisters-in-law, lumba rakhi can also be gifted from brothers-in-law this Rakshabandhan as a token of their love and respect. Plus, these designer pieces also make great gifting options at baby showers and sangeets too.

So why not make this Rakshabandhan even more special with a Lumba Rakhi? Here are some benefits of why you should choose this unique piece:

  • It's sure to bring a smile to everyone's face
  • It symbolizes the bond between brother and sister-in-law
  • Comes in different design options so you can choose one that fits her style
  • Perfect gift for baby showers or sangeets
  • Indicates an everlasting bond between two families

Designer Rakhi

If you want to make this Rakshabandhan extra special, nothing beats designer rakhis. Designer rakhis bring a unique, distinct look to the occasion, and you'll find a variety of options available to suit your needs.

Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhi

For those who want to celebrate their siblings as married couples, Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhis are the way to go. Many of these designer rakhis come in pairs, making them perfect for celebrating your brother and sister-in-law's marriage. Plus they're sure to be hit at the family celebrations!

Kids Rakhi

If you're looking for something special for your younger siblings, or even your nieces and nephews, kids rakhis are perfect for the occasion. They come in fun colors and designs that kids love, making it fun for them on Rakshabandan—and they're sure to love wearing their designer rakhi every year!

Where to Buy Designer Rakhis

So where can you buy designer Rakhis for Bhaiya Bhabhi, Kids and Lumba styles? Aarav rakhis is the best option. Help of Aarav rakhis you can find the perfect Rakhi from the comfort of your home, without having to go through long store aisles and crowded malls.

Plus, when you shop online for Designer Rakhis, there are a bunch of extra benefits:

  • Rakhis of all sizes and shapes are available;
  • You get access to multiple options to help make your final decision;
  • Secure payment gateways help protect your payments; and
  • Free shipping on many orders.

And if you need any more assurance, most stores will provide real customer reviews so you can make an informed decision. With that kind of convenience, it's no wonder why so many people opt for online shopping for their designer Rakhi needs.


Show your brother and sister just how much you care this Rakshabandhan by sending them one of the beautiful designer rakhis. Whether you choose a traditional Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhi, Kids Rakhi, Lumba Rakhi, or go a bit more modern with a Designer Rakhi, your brother and sister will appreciate it.

It's not just about buying a special rakhi—take the time to pick something that truly reflects your feelings for your beloved brother and sister. Your gesture of love and respect will be the perfect way to show them how much you care. This Rakshabandhan, celebrate your bond and make it a memorable one with a designer rakhi!

Aarav Rakhis
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