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Travertine Marble Stone: Best Marble For Interior and Exteriors in India

Bhutra Marble
Travertine Marble Stone: Best Marble For Interior and Exteriors in India

Travertine marble is a type of natural stone that has been used for centuries as a building material.

It is a popular choice for home decor due to its beauty, durability, and versatility.

In this post, we will delve into the beauty of travertine marble, its characteristics, and its uses in home decor.

Call For More About Travertine: +91 - 9001156068

What is Travertine marble?

Travertine marble is a natural stone that is formed from limestone deposits. It is often found near hot springs and geysers, where mineral-rich water flows and causes the limestone to dissolve and then re-form.

The resulting stone has a unique appearance with natural pits, holes, and ridges that give it a distinctive character.

Characteristics of Travertine Marble

Travertine marble is a soft and porous stone that is known for its natural pits and holes.

These features are created by the release of gases during the formation process. The stone ranges in color from beige to brown, and it often has a unique veining pattern.

Travertine marble is a durable stone that can withstand the wear and tear of daily use.

Uses of Travertine Marble

Travertine marble is a popular choice for home decor due to its unique appearance and durability. Its neutral colors make it a versatile stone that can be used in a variety of settings.


Travertine marble is a popular choice for flooring because of its durability and natural beauty. Its unique patterns and textures can add character to any room. The stone is also slip-resistant, making it a safe choice for high-traffic areas.


Travertine marble is also a popular choice for countertops because of its durability and natural elegance. The stone is heat-resistant, making it perfect for cooking and baking. Its natural pits and holes can add a touch of character to any kitchen or bathroom.


Travertine marble is also a great choice for backsplashes because of its natural beauty. Its unique patterns can add depth and character to any kitchen or bathroom. The stone is also resistant to stains, making it a practical choice for backsplashes.


Travertine marble is a popular choice for shower walls and floors because of its slip-resistant properties. The stone can add a touch of natural elegance to any bathroom, and its durability ensures that it will last for years to come.

Decorative Pieces

Travertine marble is not limited to home decor but can also be used for decorative pieces such as statues, vases, and other art pieces. Its natural pits and holes can add a unique touch to any decorative piece.

Bhutra Marble & Granites Pvt. Ltd. is the most popular supplier of imported travertine marble in India at best and reasonable price range top quality products.

Call For More: +91 - 9001156068

Maintenance of Travertine Marble

Travertine marble is a durable and low-maintenance stone, but it still requires some care to keep it looking its best.

Travertine stone should be sealed to prevent stains and scratches. Regular cleaning with a mild soap and water solution is recommended.

Avoid using abrasive cleaners or acidic solutions that can damage the stone.


Travertine marble is a beautiful and versatile stone that can add character to any home decor.

Its natural pits, holes, and ridges make it a unique and distinctive choice for flooring, countertops, backsplashes, showers, and decorative pieces.

The stone's durability and slip-resistant properties make it a practical choice for high-traffic areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Proper maintenance of travertine marble can ensure that it will last for years to come, providing a beautiful and natural addition to any home.

Call For More: +91 - 9001156068

Bhutra Marble
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