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Explore the various applications and features of lighting fixtures

Anjali Pawar
Explore the various applications and features of lighting fixtures

Lighting fixtures can also add value to your property by enhancing its curb appeal and interior design. Lighting fixtures can help you reduce your energy costs by using energy-efficient bulbs and fixtures. LED bulbs are a popular choice for lighting fixtures because they consume less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, and they have a longer lifespan. 

Creating ambiance: Lighting fixtures can help create a particular mood or ambiance in a space. For example, dimmer switches can adjust the brightness of a light, creating a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Soft, warm lighting can also create a cozy ambiance in a living room or bedroom.

Task lighting: Lighting fixtures can be used to provide focused lighting for specific tasks. For example, reading lamps can be used to provide bright light for reading, while pendant lights can provide task lighting for a kitchen island or dining table.

Accent lighting: Lighting Fixtures can be used to highlight specific features in a room. For example, track lighting can be used to highlight artwork or other decorative features, while uplights can be used to create a dramatic effect on a wall or ceiling.

Outdoor lighting: Lighting fixtures can also be used to enhance the outdoor ambiance of a home or commercial building. For example, landscape lighting can be used to highlight trees, shrubs, and other landscaping features. Outdoor wall sconces can be used to provide light for porches and entryways.

Read more @ http://sparkblog45.weebly.com/article/lighting-fixtures-are-critical-for-creating-the-perfect-mood-in-any-roam-they-are-eco-friendly-and-cost-effective

Anjali Pawar
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