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Bike and Car Transportation Services in Patna

Bike Car Movers
Bike and Car Transportation Services in Patna

We make exporting cars and bikes convenient, simple, and stress-free as an established name in the industry in Patna! Additionally, our Bike Transportation Services in Patna with the help of skilled drivers can transfer any kind of vehicle for you, be it a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler. Anywhere in the country, we can transport your vehicles to or from Patna. Therefore, don't worry about petrol prices, mileage, or the wear and strain on your car caused by travel. Both door-to-door and point-to-point vehicle relocation services are available from us.

Since 1997, Bicycle & Car Movers Xpress Trucking has been in the bike and car transportation business. To ensure safe and secure Car Transportation Services in Patna, abide by the instructions below:

  • Before moving, an inventory will be conducted, and you and your representative are required to be present. At the time of pick-up and delivery, you will need to sign the vehicle condition reports as well as the bill of landing. It is in your best interest to attend this inspection in person.
  • So that the physical inventory may be completed completely on the day of the relocation, the car needs to be clean.
  • There shouldn't be any fluid leaks in the car.
  • Make sure you have a full set of keys on hand to turn over on the day of the relocation.
  • The car must be empty of all personal items before being dispatched.
  • If there are any personal belongings left inside your vehicle, the firm can also decline to accept them. The company shall not be held liable for any loss or damage to these things or your car as a result of their being in the vehicle. Naturally, any common accessory or tool that is kept in the trunk of a car is acceptable. Transporting hazardous items in an automobile is not permitted. Your car's alarm system has to be turned off or disconnected. Generally speaking, plan to have less than a quarter tank of petrol, diesel, or petrol in your automobile on the day of the move.
  • All antennae need to be taken down or completely retracted.
  • The front panel of the music system must be taken off.
  • Moving companies are not liable for any mechanical issues with your car.

You can hire us for: -

As part of our first-rate service, Team of, Bicycle & Car Movers the most reputable local, domestic, and international moving company in the Indian territorial territories, is pleased to provide several complimentary services to our corporate clients, which may include:

  • In House / Office Estimates.
  • Personal Moving coordinator.
  • Free Warehousing Facility for 15 - 30 days.
  • Free Departure & Arrivals Services.
  • Free help in Home search services.
  • Team Krishna Alerts.
  • Live Tracking.

Bike Car Movers
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