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Lufthansa Airlines Change Flight Policy


Suppose you have a flight booking with Lufthansa and want to change your flight for some reason. You can do it online through the website or by calling a representative at Lufthansa. But it will help if you read the Lufthansa Airlines change flight policy before changing the flight to see the applicable procedures.

Flight change policy at Lufthansa Airlines

  • You need not pay any charges if you change your flight within 24 hours of booking.
  • You must deliver the required costs if you change your flight after 24 hours of booking.
  • You need not pay any charges if you have got a Flexible ticket.
  • If your flight gets delayed for more than 4 hours or canceled by Lufthansa, you need not pay any costs.


Ways to change your Lufthansa Flight


Online is the most convenient way to change your Lufthansa Flight. You can do it from any corner in the manner mentioned below using your phone or laptop

  • Open the website www.lufthansa.com
  • Click the Menu option at the top right corner.
  • Click the View and Amend Flight Details option under the Book and Manage section.
  • Enter your Booking code and last name to see your Booking details.
  • Select the flight you wish to change from your booking details and select the next travel date.
  • Make the required payment, and your flight gets altered. You will get confirmation by email.


You can call the Lufthansa phone at 1800-102-5838 and select the Flight Change option. A representative will change your flight after verifying the details. You will get confirmation by email.

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