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Disposable Medical Supplies Market Size, Revenue Growth Trends, Company Strategy Analysis, 2031

Sneha J

Disposable medical supplies market was valued at $48,630 million in 2016, and is projected to reach $80,252 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 7.3% from 2017 to 2023. The dialysis consumables segment accounted for about one-fourth share of the global market in 2016.

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Disposable medical supplies are medical consumables such as gloves, hypodermic needles, syringes, and applicators among others, which are discarded or disposed of after every use. These medical supplies are essential in reducing the chances of hospital-acquired infections, needle stick injuries, and other communicable diseases. These supplies are prescribed or ordered by a physician and are primarily used to serve a medical purpose in healthcare settings as well as used by patients at homecare.

Increase in incidence of chronic diseases and rise in surgical procedures globally are expected to supplement the market growth. For instance, there are about 4.2 million surgeries that employ various disposable medical supplies are being performed only in the U.S. However, an inadequate reimbursement for these devices and the waste produced due to the disposable products are expected to pose major limitations to the growth. Moreover, the rise in robot-assisted surgeries and increase in investments by developing economies in healthcare sector may pave way for opportunities for market expansion.

The nonwoven medical supplies segment is expected to grow at a significant CAGR during the forecast period, owing to their wide usage in the healthcare settings. These products are surpassing woven fabrics in terms of popularity, as they offer better hygiene conditions and effectively aid in avoiding contamination and infections. The cardiovascular segment dominated the global disposable medical supplies market, accounting for two-ninths share of the total market in 2016. This is due to the high incidence of various types of cardiovascular diseases globally, which in turn increases the number of diagnostic and surgical procedures that utilize disposable medical supplies. Among end users, hospitals generated the highest revenue in 2016, accounting for one-third share, and this segment is projected to continue this trend throughout the forecast period.

Sneha J
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