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Ragi: the Super Food Your Baby Needs

Simran Kashyap

Ragi, or finger millet, can be a nutritious addition to a baby's diet. It is a nutritious cereal grain with a rich source of essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, and fibre. Finger millet benefits are often overlooked with new-age baby food products. Ragi is one of the superfoods that is versatile and beneficial for kids’ growth. Ragi is an organic food that is naturally gluten-free, low in fat, and devoid of synthetic preservatives or artificial colours, making it a great alternative to standard baby food. 

Here are some ragi benefits for babies:

  1. Rich in nutrients: Ragi is a rich source of important nutrients such as calcium, iron, fibre, and essential amino acids, which are all crucial for a baby's growth and development.
  2. Easy to digest: Ragi is easy to digest and can be easily digested by a baby's immature digestive system, making it an excellent option for babies who are just starting on solid foods.
  3. Gluten-free: Ragi is naturally gluten-free, which makes it an excellent option for babies with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.
  4. Good for bone health: Ragi is a good source of calcium, which is essential for bone health and development. It will also improve bone density from an early age. 
  5. Supports brain development: Ragi is a good source of iron, which is important for brain development and function.
  6. Boosts immunity: Ragi is rich in antioxidants, which help boost the immune system and protect against diseases and infections. This is the most important reason to include ragi in your kids' diet, babies immune system is fragile and incorporating ragi in their diet can help their immune system. 
  7. Promotes healthy weight gain: Ragi is high in calories and can help in healthy weight gain for underweight babies.
  8. Versatile: You can incorporate ragi into your kids’ diet by making ragi dosa, porridge, or cereal. SlurrpFarm has a wide range of ragi products that are natural and preservative-free.
  9. Avoids Anaemia: Babies need to consume enough iron to lower the risk of anaemia because iron deficiency causes anaemia. To avoid anaemia, it is strongly advised to ingest the proper amount of iron each day, which is readily available in Ragi. 
  10. Improves skin and hair: Methionine, an amino acid in ragi, supports your child's healthy skin and hair development.
  11. Organic Relaxant: Ragi contains a considerable amount of antioxidants, which helps the body unwind and guard against issues like insomnia, anxiety, and headaches in kids.

Ragi can be introduced to babies from 6 months onwards as a porridge or cereal.

Simran Kashyap
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