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Automated packaging systems and their impact on a manufacturing unit

Feigeasia Pte Ltd

Any manufacturing sector independent of the product of manufacture critically needs a packaging division for the efficient and safe storage and transportation of the manufactured end product. These packaging systems come in various kinds, depending on the nature of the product that is manufactured. Since the nature or state of the product varies with different industries, the packaging machines also vary along with them. Although the machinery that is used to pack the products is generally called filling machines, they are classified according to the utility and industry in which they are used.

Filling machines are usually determined by the category of product to be filled into which container, the filling speed that is required, quality, and other aspects like shelf life and so on. The manufactured products range from powders to liquids, from solids to semi-solids, from liquids to syrups, from warm to normal temperatures, and from free-flowing liquids to viscous products. Liquids and dry products are the most difficult types of products to be filled accurately, and hence they can either be rotary or inline.

Machines that are semi-automatic liquid filling machines or fully automatic liquid filling machines capable of filling various products are the most commonly used types of machines in this sector. Likewise, advanced filling technologies are needed to cater to a wide range of product variables and user requirements. Once the products are filled into the respective containers, they have to be transported to the warehouse or store. In the warehouse, the packed products have to be moved from one location to another depending on the requirements. In order to achieve this, a suitable conveyor system has to be made available. These conveyor systems are movable belts that are fixed on a specific track so that the packed products, especially those that are packed in bulk and enclosed in cardboard or corrugated boxes, can be easily transported to the desired locations. Palletizing systems are equipment that every manufacturing unit has. These are the systems that help stack packed-up boxes one above the other in a sequence, making it easier to load and unload the bulk packages.

Companies like Feige Filling manufacture filling machines for liquid and pasty products and much more. As a world-wide manufacturer and supplier of filling machines, the machines are known for their high speed, reliability, and precision. Being one of the leading manufacturers of filling equipment for various types of liquid and pasty products, the company provides apt filling technologies for various container sizes and volumes. Providing exceptionally fine-quality machines and equally flexible solutions to meet client needs, Feigeasia has a customised plan for its esteemed clientele.

Feigeasia Pte Ltd
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