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Healing – The Soothing Nature Of Storytelling

Healing – The Soothing Nature Of Storytelling

Rubbing your eyes, counting sheep.

Searching for an escape, some peace

Waddling away, you find a solution,

when you’re too tired to sleep.

The worries of tomorrow ooze away,

and dawns a new day.

In your lap is the best of friends,

with pages, a plenty, and stories, many,

yours are adventures forevermore.

Your books, you know, forever, you’ll adore.

Go back into the past and wade through the memories. How did you escape the turmoil when you couldn’t calm your mind? Some pleasures, yes? But if you are here reading this blog, then you are an explorer – an adventurer! You have climbed mountains and charted seas and have lived a million lives – all through reading books and storytelling.

It’s astonishing how stories can soothe your mind into thinking, “It’ll be all right.”

Like a blanket draped across your shoulders, you feel its warmth. You segue into a world of your dreams. What’s more beautiful is that this world exists within you. It’s up there, amongst flying dragons and fairies blooming from the petal of flowers. You find forests and gardens and magic. In them, you find your solace and mental peace. Such are the pleasures of the gift of writing.

Storytelling is medicinal. Every wound seems to heal, but what’s the secret behind this medicine? Let’s read through it.


Like medicine, stories have quite the chemistry — each ingredient has its own properties combined to gel a cure that can heal even the most aching soul.

Here are some of the ingredients that make storytelling so compelling:

The Perfect Escape

Sometimes, the world gets a little too mundane. We seek freedom in our households, but our definition of freedom slowly changes as we grow up, to the point where even the buzzing metropolis brings us no joy. The escape begins with a paper and a pen as you etch your own way out of life’s troubles.

Doing so, you might find yourself running off to Norway to witness the aurora borealis or roaming the streets of Paris. The author of the book Twentyone Olive Trees, Laura Formentini, would approve. Storytelling helps you find an escape from the worries of the world into fables and adventure.

Compelling Characters

There isn’t a story without a few characters to spark your intrigue. You can write all you want about the characters you meet in life and their struggles. Soon enough, these characters become your companions through relatable hardships. This is when the story becomes larger than life itself. You believe in their conviction, and you learn from them in return. Whether it is Peter Pan’s ode to never growing up or Jack’s unprecedented curiosity that leads him to the beanstalk, these characters become your shoulder to cry on. And when you write a story of your own, there is no end to what you can imbue them with. Laura Formentini features a myriad of delicately written characters with the fables in her book.

Unwavering Companionship

They say that a book is your best friend. Well, they’re not wrong. A book’s relationship with you is unconditional. And one that you write, be it a journal or a story, stays with you forever. It doesn’t say much, but with that, it says more than anyone ever could. When life tests you and you’re grieving, you don’t always want advice. You want someone to listen to you, and with every tear drop shed on the page, the book doesn’t complain. Instead, it cheers you with fables and anecdotes once you’re ready to move on. In Laura’s case, she found her companion in writing and storytelling while she was writing her book through her grief. Such is the beauty of storytelling.

Healing In Writing

The thing about storytelling is that it’s accommodating to every situation you find difficult to escape. Maybe sit at the other end of the table, with a paper and pen, and vent your sadness in the stories you know can heal.

Author Laura Formentini describes writing her book Twentyone Olive Trees as a cathartic experience as she fights through the grief of her son’s passing.

Grief demands being around people that can feel what you are feeling, know what you don’t know, and love you unconditionally.

Make her book your companion through hard times; who knows; you will meet a familiar stranger among the pages and find the solace you yearn for. 

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