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The Rise Of India Gin: A Spirited Journey Of Innovation And Tradition

sachin sadgir
The Rise Of India Gin: A Spirited Journey Of Innovation And Tradition

Other regional botanicals like betel leaves, fennel seeds, and turmeric may also make an appearance, adding their own unique contributions to the blend. The production of India gin goes beyond the choice of botanicals. Many India Gin distilleries take inspiration from traditional Indian craftsmanship and distillation techniques, infusing their gins with a sense of cultural pride. These distilleries often incorporate elements like copper pot stills, a traditional method of distillation known for its ability to extract the nuanced flavors of the botanicals.

This attention to detail and commitment to artisanal practices further elevate the quality and character of India gin. India Gin has not only captured the attention of gin enthusiasts but has also been recognized internationally for its exceptional quality. Several Indian gin brands have garnered prestigious awards, showcasing the growing reputation and influence of this emerging category. The popularity of India gin has spurred a wave of creativity and innovation within the industry, encouraging distilleries around the world to explore the fascinating world of Indian botanicals.

India Gin is a botanical-bursting spirit that’s gaining popularity in India, where it was once taboo to drink clear alcohol. As the stigma fades, a new generation of gin entrepreneurs are bringing India’s distinct culture to this global spirit by using ingredients like tulsi, ashwaganda and Himalayan juniper berries.

The gin boom in India is also about embracing locally sourced ingredients. The Indian spirit makers have been going all out to show their choice of botanicals and also how those are distilled.

Another interesting gin is Pumori, a small-batch gin from Fullarton Distillers in Goa. It is infused with 12 rich botanicals including Himalayan juniper sourced from around Mt. Pumori in Nepal, along with orange peel, lemon grass, cardamom, coriander seeds, angelica root, liquorice and nutmeg among others. It is bottled in bottles resembling old-school traveller water flasks.

Read More@ http://cmiblogpost.weebly.com/article/india-gin-uses-the-flavor-to-complement-and-showcase-a-range-of-spices

sachin sadgir
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