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Japfu Homestay (Kohima)

Gaurav Maan
Japfu Homestay (Kohima)

Experience the gleam and cordiality of Nagaland at JAPFU HOMESTAY, a tranquil retreat that got comfortable in the middle of the staggering scenes of Kohima. Track down this astonishing region's rich social inheritance and typical greatness, just at Liamtra.

Accommodation at JAPFU HOMESTAY is planned to outfit you with an agreeable normal home base. Our open and luxuriously beautified rooms ensure a pleasant and helpful stay. Each room is outfitted with present-day comforts, including luxurious beds, en-suite bathrooms, and free Wi-Fi, allowing you to remain relaxed throughout your visit.

For nature fans, the locale offers a stack of outside works out. Leave on gorgeous trips and excursions across the rich slants, soak yourself in the enchanting vistas of the nearby Dzukou Valley, or visit the prominent Khonoma Nature Conservation and Tragopan Refuge.

At JAPFU HOMESTAY, we are centered around offering a substantial and clear insight into Nagaland. Whether you're a free voyager, a couple searching for feeling, or a family on an imperative trip, our homestay gives the best base for your endeavors in Kohima. Partner with Liamtra and reveal the unparalleled allure and brilliance of Nagaland.

"Celebrating Naga Culture: A Guide to the Hornbill Festival 2023"

The Hornbill Festival, held annually in Nagaland, India, is a vibrant celebration of the Naga people's rich cultural heritage and traditions. This colorful event attracts visitors from all over the world and showcases the region's cultural diversity.

Named after the revered Indian hornbill bird, the festival is organized by the Nagaland Tourism Department and the State Government and typically runs from December 1 to December 10. Attendees can experience a wide range of cultural performances, including traditional dances, folk songs, and music. Visitors can also witness traditional sports and games, such as archery, wrestling, and bamboo pole climbing.

One of the festival's highlights is the Hornbill International Rock Contest, which attracts some of the world's best rock bands. With so much to see and experience, the Hornbill Festival is a must-attend event that offers a unique and unforgettable cultural experience.

Gaurav Maan
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