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The Types of Paper Roll Clamps and the Contact Pads Options

The Types of Paper Roll Clamps and the Contact Pads Options

The most common types of paper roll clamps used in the industry are typically hydraulic clamps with options of rotating, non-rotating, upender, etc. This clamp requires the forklift to have an additional set of one, two, or three hydraulics to ensure they work smoothly. These clamps are widely used for their reliability, versatility, and ability to handle a range of paper roll sizes and weights. Here are the different types of contact pads commonly used with paper roll clamps:

1. Rubber Contact Pads: Rubber pads are the most common type of contact pads used with paper roll clamps. They provide a soft and grippy surface that helps prevent damage to the paper rolls while providing a secure hold. Rubber pads are available in various durometers (hardness levels) to suit different applications.

2. Polyurethane Contact Pads: Polyurethane pads offer similar benefits to rubber pads but with increased durability and resistance to wear and tear. They are particularly suitable for heavy-duty applications or when handling rough or abrasive paper rolls.

3. Fiberglass Contact Pads: Fiberglass pads are used when handling delicate paper rolls that require a gentler touch. They provide a smooth and non-abrasive surface to prevent any damage or markings on the paper.

4. Steel Contact Pads: Steel pads are used for extremely heavy paper rolls or in applications that require extra gripping force. They offer a robust and secure grip, but they can be harsher on paper rolls compared to rubber or polyurethane pads.

5. Foam Contact Pads: Foam pads are used when a softer grip is required to protect the surface of delicate paper rolls. They provide a cushioning effect to prevent any indentation or marking on the roll.

It's important to note that the availability of specific contact pad types may vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific model of the paper roll clamp. The choice of contact pad material depends on factors such as the weight and fragility of the paper rolls, the surface finish requirements, and the desired level of grip and protection.

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