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5 Tips for Preventing Leaks with Breast Pads

5 Tips for Preventing Leaks with Breast Pads

It is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but breastfeeding can be challenging. Breastfeeding mothers often experience leaks. Breast milk leaks are not uncommon between feedings, which can cause discomfort and embarrassment. This problem can be effectively solved with breast pads. Here are five essential tips to help you prevent leaks and make breastfeeding more comfortable and worry-free.

Tip 1: Choose the Right Breast Pads

Choosing the right breast pads is crucial in preventing leaks. There are two main types available: disposable and reusable. Disposable breast pads are convenient, especially on the go, but they can be less absorbent and generate more waste. On the other hand, reusable breast pads are eco-friendly, cost-effective in the long run, and often more absorbent. Whichever type you choose, look for pads with a contoured shape, a soft and comfortable lining, and excellent absorbency. Additionally, ensure they have adhesive strips to keep them securely within your bra.

Tip 2: Change Them Regularly

Regularly changing breast pads is essential to prevent leaks. Change them when they become wet or damp to maintain dryness and hygiene. Wet breast pads can cause discomfort, increase the risk of skin irritation, and provide a breeding ground for bacteria. To stay on top of pad changes, carry a few extras in your diaper bag or purse to easily swap them out when needed. By keeping your breasts and nipples dry, you reduce the likelihood of leaks and maintain a healthier environment for both you and your baby.

Tip 3: Proper Positioning

Proper positioning of breast pads is crucial for preventing leaks. Ensure the pads are centred over your nipples, as this is where most leaks occur. Positioning them too high or too low can result in inadequate coverage and potential leakage. Additionally, ensure the pads fit snugly against your breasts and are not wrinkled or folded. Proper positioning helps the pads collect the milk efficiently and prevent seepage onto your clothing. Please take a moment each time you change your pads to adjust and position them correctly for maximum effectiveness.

Tip 4: Manage Milk Flow

Managing your milk flow can significantly help prevent leaks. If you experience excessive milk flow, nursing pads with high absorbency are essential. Opt for pads specifically designed for heavy flow, as they can hold more liquid and prevent leaks caused by overflow. Applying gentle pressure to your breasts with your hand or using techniques like breast compression during breastfeeding can help control the flow and minimise leaks. If you have an oversupply of milk, consider expressing some milk before breastfeeding or using a breast pump to reduce pressure and potential leaks.

Tip 5: Wear the Right Bra

Wearing a well-fitting and supportive bra is essential for leak prevention. Look for nursing bras with proper coverage and enough room to accommodate breast pads comfortably. The bra should provide good support to prevent excess movement and friction, which can lead to leaks. Opt for bras made from breathable fabrics that help wick away moisture, such as cotton or bamboo blends. Avoid tight or restrictive bras, as they can hinder milk flow and contribute to discomfort and potential leaks. Investing in a few quality nursing bras that are both comfortable and functional will go a long way in making your breastfeeding experience leak-free and more enjoyable.


Leaking breast milk can be an inconvenient and sometimes embarrassing aspect of breastfeeding. However, with suitable breast pads and helpful tips, you can minimise leaks and enjoy a more comfortable and worry-free breastfeeding journey. Remember to choose high-quality breast pads, change them regularly, position them correctly, manage your milk flow, and wear the right bra for optimal leak prevention. And if you're looking for eco-friendly and reusable options, consider checking out Superbottoms, a leading brand that offers sustainable and absorbent cloth breast pads. By implementing these tips and using reliable products like Superbottoms, you can confidently embrace the joys of breastfeeding while keeping leaks at bay. Happy breastfeeding!

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