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How to Keep My Outdoor Pool in Shape?

Oscar Marcony
How to Keep My Outdoor Pool in Shape?

If you are planning to have an outdoor pool in Southampton, there are certain things you should do to keep your pool tidy. Well, a pool can offer a lot of enjoyment; however, it's not all fun and games. If you are fortunate to have a swimming pool – maintaining it in perfect shape can be a daunting chore. Honestly, it takes a lot of work and dedication to make sure the pool is in great condition throughout the summer.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just jump in and enjoy? Well, any types of pool are a big investment that requires regular maintenance. Neglecting an outdoor swimming pool in Southampton can cost you greater damage and ultimately render your pool unsafe.

If you can follow the critical pool maintenance tips; you can make sure your pool stays in great shape.

Keep an Eye on the Water Quality

The first thing you should do is test the water quality more often. In fact, you should add the right chemicals on time to keep the water clean. In addition, you should always check on the chlorine level.

Well, adding the necessary chemicals to the swimming pool is very crucial to maintain the water quality. A pool without the right ratio of chemicals can harbor bacteria and look murky and can be dangerous to swim. Moreover, the pH level of the water should be between 7.4 to 7.6.

Cleaning Up the Filter

You need to clean the filter regularly. Well, maintaining an outdoor pool in Southampton is a bit of a task. You should consistent with the cleaning rituals and check the chemical level. Based on the condition and usage of the pool you can also clean the filter every 3-6 months. In addition, after a heavy storm, it is good to check the filter and make sure to clean it a bit if required.

Vacuum the Pool for Dirt and Debris

 It sounds obvious; however, simply taking out some time to clean the pool would go a long way. For better sanitization, you can keep the surface of the pool dirt free and prevent the area from infection. Vacuuming the pool can easily remove debris and algae – it is almost like cleaning your indoor space. You should also remove the dirt and debris by scrubbing the walls, steps, and floors.

Maintain the Water Level

Maintaining the water level is very important to keep your pool clean and fresh. If the water is not maintained at the appropriate level; it can cause water skimmers and the filtration system would work harder time to keep it clean.

Wrapping Up

Lastly, you need to develop a proper cleaning schedule to keep your swimming pool in Southampton in shape. The schedule must cover every aspect of maintenance and it should be added to your to-do list to enjoy the summer.

Oscar Marcony
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