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Advisory Company Partnered with Semaphore to Develop USA Based Fashion Portal

Semaphore Software
 Advisory Company Partnered with Semaphore to Develop USA Based Fashion Portal

About Client:

The client is USA based Advisory Company who brings transparency to the fashion market. The client is actuating the use of internet in fashion design and product development. It gives services to thousands of fashion professionals to give them the trend information to boost their lines.

Client Requirement:

The client was looking for the portal which would help them in making their work more inline and easier. As a research and advisory company, the client wanted some portal which can analyze the current market and forecast them. They would like to have the planning and strategies to be decided on the basis of the portal.

Proposed Solution:

SilverTouch will provide a Fashion Portal based on the .NET technology Framework which will be based on flash for images, Blog, scrapbook, news, etc. 

It will help the client to develop analysis and can search, filter and sort information. It will also have the mood boards for the users who will have their private workspace.

Benefits :

  • The Portal has features like blogs, newsletters, etc.
  • The Portal gets the news updated every 5 min. from the News Now application.
  • It also has the feature of scrapbook which has the user collection and can share the collages.
  • It also has image window application with which there can be share, print, save, email and zoom functions.

Achievement :

Semaphore software has developed Fashion Portal based on the .NET technology Framework to help them in making their work more inline and easier, client is able to analyze the current market and forecast them.

They would like to have the planning and strategies to be decided on the basis of the portal.

Kindly Read here for more details:


Semaphore Software
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