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Rising Investment in Research and Development Enhances the Automotive Battery Thermal Management System Market

shruti vispute
Rising Investment in Research and Development Enhances the Automotive Battery Thermal Management System Market

The rapid surge in the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) around the globe has opened the gates for revolutionary technologies like Automotive Battery Thermal Management Systems (BTMS). A BTMS is integral to the effective functioning of an EV, extending the battery life, cost-efficiency, and overall performance. The remarkable significance of BTMS in EVs has led to an anticipated boom in the global automotive battery thermal management system market, from a market size of US$666 Mn recorded in 2020, to a growth trajectory aiming at a striking CAGR of approximately 36% in the period of 2021 - 2026.

For more information, please refer to the full report: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/automotive-battery-thermal-management-system-market

Government Initiatives Fuel the Growth of Automotive Battery Thermal Management System Market

The global automotive battery thermal management system market is driven significantly by numerous government-led strategies that aim to boost the acceptance and adoption of EVs. An example of such initiatives is the aggressive subsidies introduced by the Chinese government in 2013. Offering RMB 4,000 to RMB 35,000 for every plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) purchased and between RMB 35,000 to RMB 60,000 for each battery electric vehicle (BEV) purchased, these subsidies have stimulated EV sales, which in turn, has contributed to the expansion of the global automotive battery thermal management system market.

Automotive Battery Thermal Management System: Challenges and Solutions

Despite the positive market outlook, certain challenges are impacting the growth of the global automotive battery thermal management system market. These include complexities in the fundamental designing of automotive battery thermal management systems, such as verifying components' thermal designs, optimizing flow channel optimization, and reducing power requirements, vehicle weight, and cost. High temperatures can also lead to hazardous situations like short circuits or fires. However, persistent efforts in technological advancements aim to overcome these barriers, promising further growth for the BTMS market.

The Gradual Phasing Out of ICE Vehicles: An Opportunity for BTMS Market

Approximately 13 countries globally, including leaders such as Norway, the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands, have announced plans to phase out conventional Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles shortly. This significant shift toward EVs opens up opportunities for stakeholders in the electric vehicle space, from EV manufacturers and OEMs to battery and battery technology companies, and of course, automotive BTMS manufacturers.

Asia Pacific Paves the Way for Automotive Battery Thermal Management System Market

The Asia Pacific region, home to fast-developing economies like China, Japan, India, and South Korea, is leading the charge in the automotive battery thermal management system market. The rising demand for EVs in this region is a significant factor determining the future growth of the BTMS market. The market in the Asia Pacific is followed by North America and Europe, with an increasing demand for alternative fuel vehicles paving the way for the advancement of the automotive battery thermal management system market.

Passenger Vehicles: The Leading Segment in the BTMS Market

The boom in the EV market, along with alternative fuel vehicles like hydrogen, bio-diesel, and propane vehicles, continues to propel the demand for BTMS in the passenger vehicle segment. The increased preference for private transportation over public transport, especially post the global pandemic, further underscores the potential growth of the automotive battery thermal management system market.

Strategic Partnerships: The Way Forward in the BTMS Market

The automotive battery thermal management system market is dominated by key players such as MAHLE GmbH, VOSS Automotive GmbH, Dana Limited, Continental AG, LG Chem, and Robert Bosch GmbH. These companies have maintained dominance by adopting strategic contractual agreements and establishing new production facilities. The future of the automotive battery thermal management system market looks promising, with technological advancements and supportive regulations driving its growth.

Read More: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/

shruti vispute
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