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Unleashing the Magic: A Guide to Pursuing a Career in Animation

Arena Animation
Unleashing the Magic: A Guide to Pursuing a Career in Animation

The animation industry has mesmerized audiences worldwide with its enchanting characters and breathtaking worlds. From the iconic toys of "Toy Story" to the lovable animals of "Kung Fu Panda" and the awe-inspiring Spiderman swinging through the cityscape, animated movies have left an indelible mark on our imagination. As the animation market continues to flourish, now is the perfect time to explore the qualifications and opportunities available in this dynamic and imaginative industry.

The Flourishing Animation Market

Back in 2017, the animation industry boasted a market value of USD 12,010 million, and it has been growing at an impressive rate of 11.9%. Experts projected that the industry would reach a staggering USD 21,050 million by 2022. The immense popularity of animated movies has created an insatiable demand among audiences, fueling the industry's expansion. Whether it's the captivating 2D or the immersive 3D experience, animated films have ignited a desire in every viewer to become a part of this magical realm. So, how can you enter this thriving industry?

Paving Your Path in Animation

Surprisingly, a career in animation is open to individuals who have completed their 10th grade. It welcomes aspiring animators at various stages of their educational journey. Even after completing the 12th grade, you can apply for a certificate or diploma in animation courses offered by esteemed institutes. Many renowned institutions now provide short-term courses ranging from 3 months to 1 year, specifically designed for entry-level students who want to venture into the world of animation. To enroll in these courses, typically a minimum of 50% marks in class 10th is required.

Illuminating Animation Courses for Aspiring Artists

When it comes to acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge, top-notch institutes like Arena Animation Tilak Road Pune stand out in their commitment to excellence. They offer a range of courses that focus on providing fundamental and practical training to students, nurturing their talents and refining their skills. Here are two exceptional courses offered by Arena Animation:

1. Arena Animation Film Design

Duration: 24 months

The Film Design course at Arena Animation is a comprehensive program that explores the intricate details of anatomy design, pre-production techniques, 2D animation, and animation scene planning. By undertaking this course, aspiring animators establish a strong foundation and enhance their creative abilities.

2. Animation Prime

Duration: 27 months

Serving as a gateway to success, the Animation Prime course equips students with a diverse skill set required for various avenues within the animation industry. From gaming companies to television channels, film and advertisement agencies, this program empowers students to create captivating and immersive animation experiences.

Seize Your Moment: Make Your Animation Dreams a Reality

Enrolling in the courses offered by Arena Animation opens doors to prestigious careers in the animation industry. Imagine contributing your exceptional skills to projects like "Bahubali," "Batman," "Superman," and other iconic animated movies. Arena Animation Tilak Road acts as the bridge that connects you to the right path, guiding you toward a future filled with success and recognition.

Embark on Your Journey Today

Unleash your potential as an animator and embark on your journey today. The captivating world of animation eagerly awaits your talents, ready to take you on a thrilling ride like no other. Step into this magical realm and become part of the legacy of animated masterpieces. Let your creativity soar and bring characters and worlds to life with astonishing realism. The time is now to turn your animation dreams into a reality.

Arena Animation
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