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Symptoms of Tooth Ache for Which You Need to Visit the Emergency Dentist

Symptoms of Tooth Ache for Which You Need to Visit the Emergency Dentist

If you are experiencing a persistent toothache, visiting the Calgary emergency dentist is better. The toothache can start to aggravate at any time. Also, the underlying causes might be complicated. Only a dentist can assess it and consult you on an appropriate treatment.

But how do you know what pain level warrants a dentist visit? Let's find out.

Persistent and Sharp Pain

If your toothache is persistent and will not go away and only increases in severity, it means there is a severe oral health issue. It could be an abscessed tooth. You must visit the dentist if the pain does not go away even after taking over-the-counter pain medications.

Pain When You Put Pressure on the Tooth

Do you feel pain when you press your finger down on your tooth? You must visit the dentist immediately if you feel pain when you touch your tooth or bit down on some food. It could be a severe cavity or gums problems as well. Whatever the issues are, it needs immediate check-up and remedy.

Bleeding Gums and Inflammation

Is there blood coming out from the gums? Are your gums swollen? It might be a sign of periodontal disease. For such a disease, you need immediate dental expertise. Visit your dentist to receive treatment.

Swollen Jaw

Swelling around the neck and the jaw can be a sign of dental diseases and infections. It is imperative for you to immediately receive treatment from the Emergency dentist in Calgary, AB for it. Infections in such parts of your body can quickly spread to the brain and cause life-altering health damage. 

Dental Treatment for Your Tooth Ache

When you go for a dentist appointment upon experiencing a toothache, the first thing they do is take an X-ray. It helps to assess the presence of any dental decay so that they can proceed with the filling and treatment. 

After detecting the cause, they will put you on medications, especially antibiotics. If there is tooth decay, the dentists will remove it. Then they will drill and fill the decay with the materials. You must visit the Calgary emergency dentist for follow-ups and check-ups after the treatment.

Discoloration of Tooth

Tooth discoloration occurs when there are some changes in the tooth's nerve space. In most cases, the person might need root canal therapy from the emergency dentist in Calgary. The discoloration is usually the result of some tooth trauma. It can take up to a decade for the tooth trauma to disappear.

That can also spread to the gums if you ignore them. If your gums become a darker color, it means there is the presence of a cavity or infection in that area. If you experience symptoms similar to these, immediately sign up for an appointment with your dentist.

John Edmund is the author of this article. For more details about SE Calgary Children's Dentistry please visit our website: conceptdentistrycalgary.com

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