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Google Ads Service Provider in Bangladesh

Amelia IT

There are billions of searches made on Google every second, and Google advertising is displayed on most search results pages. Google Ads, which are paid for by businesses, is an efficient way to bring relevant, qualified traffic to your website exactly at the times when people are looking for the kinds of products or services that your company provides.


What is Google Ads?


Google's pay-per-click (PPC) program, known as Google Ads, enables companies to increase their visibility across Google properties. The most typical Google advertisements ad type is the search ad, which appears up on the search engine results page (SERP) for searches related to the advertiser's products or services. However, businesses may also run Display ads, YouTube ads, and other ads types using Google advertisements.


Types of Google Ads








Search Ads

Text adverts that appear on Google results pages are known as search ads.

The advantage of search ads is that your ad will appear where most searchers look for information first - on Google. Furthermore, Google displays your ad in the same format as other results (except that it is labeled as a "Ad"), so consumers are accustomed to seeing and clicking on results.


Display Ads

A type of online marketing that combines text, images, and a URL to drive people to a website where they may find out more or make purchases. There are several ad formats. These advertisements can be static with a single picture or animated with several images, videos, or dynamic text (also known as rich media ads).





Video Ads

YouTube is also a search engine. Therefore, using the right keywords will put you in front of a video and briefly interrupt the user's activity to capture their attention.


Apps Ads

Google App Campaigns advertise your mobile application on Google Search Network, YouTube, Google Play, Google Display Network, and other sites.


You may run advertising that encourages your audience to download your app or, if they already have it, to perform certain activities within it. 


Shopping ads

Google Shopping Ad Campaigns are another types Google Ad. Shopping campaigns, like the others, appear on SERPs and feature extensive product information like pricing and product images.


Google Ads Costs


Google Ads costs differ based on a variety of criteria, including the competition of your keywords and industry, your geographic region, the quality of your advertising campaigns, and more.


Why do we need Google Ads?


Even if potential buyers do not go through the Ads search network, they will see your brand, tagline, what you provide, and whatever else you utilize your copy and extensions to highlight.

You may also prioritize brand exposure by showing your ad to a larger audience via the Ads display network.



Online advertising allows you to target your ads to consumers you want and exclude those you don't. When you advertise online with Google Ads, you can use several targeting methods to reach consumers immediately when they are searching for your products or services.


Why delay? start promoting your business today with our best agency.

Amelia IT, the Best Google Ads service provider in Bangladesh. 


For More Information

Please visit our website: ameliaitbd.com

Amelia IT
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